Chapter 42

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n// yoyoyo!! another update? what is this, procrastination???? must be. anyways, there are some brief mentions of norse mythology in this chapter and a few of them before this and i just wanna say that i know very little about this stuff i just thought it'd be a little bit interesting to get that background of the original family and thora so if any of you know a lot about that stuff and realize that im wrong pls tell me im basing everything off of the thor movies and wikipedia bye

When Klaus awoke in the earliest hours of the morning, he knew what he had to do. He had to paint. It'd been a while since he had conjured up a new project for himself, and he now had some inspiration.  In fact, he had his muse. So, he put on his (and his wife's) favorite Henley and got to work, finding himself lost in the art to notice how fast the time has passed. That was until his sister walked in the room, giving it a completely different energy all together.

"What took you so long?" He asked, dipping his brush in more of his black paint before running it over the canvas again.

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." She answered, waving the piece of wood in the air nonchalantly. "Luckily, I'm quite the charmer."

"That's it?"

"Last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?"

Not wasting anymore time, Klaus unknowingly took the decoy stake with a smug grin on his face and tossed it into the fire, much to Esther's, who currently took the form as Rebekah, pleasure.

"Well that's that, then." The Original witch said in mock relief, turning around to walk out of the room and leave Klaus to his paintings.

"Pack your bags. We're leaving." He stated.


"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset."

"But tonight's the decade dance."


"So I'm head of the committee, we have to go."

"I'm not going to any dance."

"Well, that's certainly a shame, because Thora will be out a date. I'm sure Damon or Matt would love to take her, though. She's already got her dress picked out and everything. She was really looking forward to it, too. Oh, well―"

Klaus' expression softened at the mention of his wife, much to Rebekah/Esther's satisfaction, and he glanced at the floor briefly.

"That means nothing to me."

"Please? I have big plans for tonight."Rebekah/Esther pouted. "Just go for Thora and I."

Glaring slightly, Klaus dropped his painting materials once again and stalked over to her, looking straight into her eyes.

"Okay, fine." He agreed. "One last hurrah."

"One last hurrah, Nik."

And they sealed their deal with one last evil smile.

Meanwhile, Thora was out and about in the small Virginia town, trying to find last minute accessories for the dress that her sister-in-law so graciously agreed to lend her. It was a cream-ish pink color that complimented her skin tone perfectly, and according to Rebekah, made her look like she was the poster-girl of twenties beauty. But she didn't really care about that, all she really cared about was the fact that she was actually going to be doing something with her life, opposed to sleeping, snacking, and watching crappy reality TV. Well, that, or nearly getting killed. Either way, she was excited for the dance, and she couldn't wait.

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