Chapter 17

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"So she got them?" Klaus asked the vampire - who's name is Amanda - once she walked into the room.

"Yes. Yes she did." She smiled widely. "She took both items. She was really confused at the moment, but she went with it anyways."

"Her sense adventure always was going to get her in trouble," He chuckled. "But what was her reaction?"

"She recognized the necklace." Amanda said happily. "She tried to deny it, but once again, no offence, she is actually like an open book."

"Always has been, always will be." He said absentmindedly. "And the picture?"

"She didn't open it." Amanda said, face dropping slightly. "I told her to open it alone. Apparently, Caroline and Matt decided to take her out for a shopping spree so she can get out of her cage for a while. I didn't want to risk them seeing it. What was the photo of, anyways?"

Klaus smirked and looked at Amanda.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just know this. The picture is one of the key pawns in this game of chess."

"Care to explain how a photo and a necklace accompanied by a cryptic message is a key pawn?"

"Simple. The necklace will peak her interest. The photo - unopened - shall draw curiosity. Once she opens it, something will happen. I don't know what, but trust me, young Amanda. It will spark a fire in her. All things always tie back to the one good - yet bad - thing this world has to offer. Love."

"This game of chess is going to get really bloody, isn't it?"

"Anything to save the queen."

Amanda chuckled and shook her head, walking out the door and leaving Klaus alone with his thoughts. He was plotting so hard to get his Thora back, he had almost forgotten the real reason that he was in Mystic Falls in the first place. The damn hybrid curse that his darling mother placed upon him a thousand or so years ago. But he needed the blood of a doppelganger, which was the problem, seeing as the little Salvatore magnet was somehow always protected by the people she didn't deserve. And now, with the help of the oh-so-noble Elijah, she was damn near untouchable. But he had to find a way, so he did.

He knew that little Elena had a weakness. Every great warrior did. Achilles had his heel, Klaus Mikaelson had his wife, basically every other vampire in the world had a wooden stake, and Elena Gilbert had the need to protect all those in which she cares about. And that would singlehandedly bring her downfall. Klaus smirked at the plan he devised and let out a small chuckle, holding up a copy of the photo Amanda had given Thora mere hours ago.

"I know this will strike something in that little hurricane heart of yours, my darling," He muttered. "This shall be the first step in bringing you home. I promise."

Back at the Donovan Household, Thora was in the bathroom, sitting on the floor and looking down at the necklace around her neck in wonder. She couldn't deny it when the girl told her that she found it familiar, because it was true. The cool touch of the silver against her warm skin brought feelings that she couldn't describe, and the rune that translated to 'family' made her feel like she was home. It even took her mind off of going back to her home, which quite honestly didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

Then there was the folded up piece of paper on the ground in front of her. Thora was alone, and curious as hell, but it just felt as if when she looked inside, things will get even more complicated than they already were. Which, granted, was true. But it didn't help her overwhelming curiosity and more. So there it was, sitting on the floor in front of her, taunting her and making her use all of her willpower to not open it.

But Thora Mikaelson never was one for resisting temptation.

She quickly picked up the paper and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening it up. She let her eyes flutter open and looked down, being greeted with an image. The image of a man. Immediately, Thora was awestricken by the man's sheer aesthetically pleasing appearance. He was tall, well-built, and there was no doubt in Thora's mind that she was attracted to him at first glance. She brought the picture closer to her face, drinking in all the details up close.

He had sandy blond curls on top of his head, and for some reason unbeknownst to her, she had the crippling urge to run her hands through them. She admired the devilish smirk he wore, silently wishing that she knew what the cause of it was. His lips were soft and pink, and utterly kissable. They were accompanied by some facial hair, and boy, did it suit him well. All of these things made him ruggedly handsome, but she saw the color of his eyes and dropped the photo in shock.

His eyes held so much familiarity, and immediately she knew that she could put her trust and faith in him. Which, being Thora, wasn't unlike her at all. She had no problem with living with Matt Donovan, who until a few weeks ago, was a total stranger. But this was different. She felt like she knew the man like the back of her hand - but in all of her eighteen years of living, she knew that she would have remembered him if she had met him. People just don't forget other people like that. Especially if they were as jaw-droppingly gorgeous as this.

But Thora was growing more and more confused and antsy by the minute. Everything seemed to be so familiar and so... nostalgic - but she swore that she hadn't any idea what it was or where it came from. Like Elijah for instance. There was something deep down, past the overwhelming panic and terror she had toward him - that seemed so familiar. And then the necklace. The necklace was unexpected, but made her even more confused at how she could have seen that design before. And the fact that she could read runes was odd too. She didn't even know she could read, let alone translate a whole page like she had been reading them for years. Then there was the picture of the man, which was self-explanatory. The weirdest part was? She knew that she couldn't ask anyone. She didn't know why she felt this way, as the group had been nothing short of lovely and supportive the entire time, but she felt that she couldn't trust them with the information on what she was feeling. Like if she told them, something dreadful would happen.

"T?" Matt asked, knocking on the door. "You in there?"

"Y-Yeah!" Thora answered, scrambling to stuff the picture in her bra and hide the necklace under her dress. "I'll be out in a minute, Matthew!"

She heard the man chuckle a bit before walking away, leaving the girl alone once more. Sighing, she leaned on what Matthew and Caroline called a 'sink' and looked in the mirror. Her grey eyes seemed dull and rather lifeless, and she could have sworn she saw a sadness in them. But she couldn't place from where. Staring at the necklace that had slipped out from under the collar of her dress, she smiled. At least there was always a reminder of home at her lowest points. Wherever home may be.

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