Chapter 3

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n// okay im sorry this chapter is really short but things will kick off soon i promise!! sorry this chapter sucks so much!!

"Excuse me?!" Niklaus shouted, gaining the attention of all the townspeople. "Is this girl of your kin?!"

Throwing Thora into the middle of the growing crowd, everyone gasped, seeing the face of the runaway bride herself come into their line of vision.

"She is my daughter." The familiar voice of Thora's father spoke gruffly. "Where did you find her?"

"In the heart of the forest, my lord." He answered, bowing down slightly. "She told me that she ran away in the dead of night on the eve of her wedding, demanding that I take her somewhere where your mighty kinsmen wouldn't be able to find her."

Thora pretended to whimper and shake in fear at the sight of her father, but on the inside, she was dying of laughter as to what was to come.

"Father, please, don't believe this...this fool!" Thora screamed as crocodile tears ran down her face. "He's lying, I swear to you! I-I was... stolen! He took me from my bed when the moon was at his peak! You have to believe me, father!"

"Silence!" Thora's father shouted, backhanding her and sending her flying across the floor. "I have had enough of your games, girl! You have been nothing but defiant to me since the moment you were born!"

He turned to look at Thora's weeping mother and her backstabbing sisters.

"Take her back to her tent immediately and prepare her for the ceremony!" He ordered. "And you, sir, what do I owe thee?"

Niklaus smirked and met Thora's eyes, taking her mischievous smile and nod as a signal to unleash the beast waiting to feed. After all, he never did get his midnight snack.

"Oh, nothing much," He began. "Just your life."

And with that, he drove his fangs into Thora's father's neck and sucked the man dry as Thora broke from her family's grip and devoured her least favorite sister, Cassidy.

"Now," Niklaus began again, smiling at the terrified people. "Who's next?"

Sticking true to their word, they massacred Thora's whole village, save for the children. Thora may have been more than willing to kill her family, but she had always taken part in looking after the children. They were one of her few weaknesses, so she promptly dropped them off in the neighboring village, letting Niklaus somehow convince families that the children were theirs, and that the children would forget that the once great place in which she grew up even existed.

"How did you do that?" Thora questioned after she parted with the child in which she was the closest with. "After you spoke it was like Margret hadn't even known I existed."

"Because in her mind, you haven't ever existed," He put simply.

"I don't understand, my angel." She trailed off. "She has no memory of me? How can that be?"

"Compulsion, love."

Thora nodded slowly, drinking the next bit of information in.

"Does that mean I can do that too?"

Niklaus smiled and nodded. He was in the highest of spirits, never guessing that he would get along with the woman he saw as food. But once again, she was much more to him now. He felt the need to protect her at all costs, teach her his ways, and most of all, to cherish her. He of all people knew that loyalty is hard to come by, and even harder to keep. He knew she was true - he just knew it. He believed that it was her 'spell' that charmed him so. But it was the glint of mischief in her eye covered by all of her innocence. It was the willingness to do what she had to do, and the drive she held. The way the crimson color of blood complimented her lips perfectly. The way her hand fit in his. She had fire, lots of it, and Niklaus was only the gasoline adding to the flame.

"You can do anything you want to do with your capabilities, little storm," He mused. "Come now. We mustn't keep family waiting, hmm?"

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