Chapter 19

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n// guys I would like yall to meet the actress whom I see as Thora, Freya Mavor!! yall probably know her from Skins gen 3 as Mini, but now yall can know her as thora!!! Yay!! But of course yall can picture her as whomever your hearts desire and that's just as cool but I really love Freya so... anyways sorry for the wait and here is the 19th chapter!! Please be sure to vote/comment/share :)

"How many bloody times do I have to say it to you bloody oafs!" Klaus yelled into the phone once again. "I have everything and a back-up for each. Just stay out of my way, and you will live. Otherwise, you will die a horrific and painful death in front of those you love most, and die knowing that they are going to be next."

He hung up and sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night that everything would fall into place, and the night that he would finally be at rest. Klaus was going to break the blasted hybrid curse that was placed upon, and the night that he and his wife would finally be reunited. It didn't matter to him that she didn't remember him - although that would have been the preferable situation - what mattered was the fact that she would soon be home for good. And in a way, this whole situation was a blessing. One that Klaus would not have wished for, but one he got nonetheless. He got the gift of falling in love all over again. And this time, she was a human. If he were being honest, he didn't even know if she wanted to be a vampire anymore. This way she could start over. This way she could actually look older than eighteen. This way... she could have the one thing she had always wanted in life. A child of her own.

But the other part of him knew that Thora had loved being a vampire. She loved being the stronger and faster race. She loved the compulsion, the rush of draining someone straight from the vein, and the power she held in the palm of her little hands. And she was at a clear disadvantage - she didn't even know that vampires, witches, doppelgangers, werewolves, or hybrids even existed, thanks to the group of meddling teens that were holding her hostage. But there isn't anything that couldn't be fixed with letting the universe play things out naturally. Something that Thora had taught Nik along the way of their many adventures together.

So he came to the conclusion that it didn't even really matter anymore. She knew good and well what she wanted in her life all those years ago, what's stopping her from making that choice again once she finds out the truth? Even if she wished not to become a vampire again for some reason, he would respect her decision. Because he respected her and her birth given rights as a human. If she didn't want to do something, he was never going to force her into doing it. Something that he found that a lot of the humans now-a-days were incapable of doing.

"Amanda," He called out, breaking free from his thoughts. "Is everything prepared for tonight?"

"Yes, sir," She answered with a smile. "So, are you excited? It's the big day, after all."

"You make it sound like I am to be wed tonight, Amanda," Klaus responded with the same smirk. "Not that I am going to make it rain doppelganger blood until I am relinquished of this blasted curse."

"Either way, I'm going to play the role of proud weeping mother in the front row."

Klaus let out a little laugh, letting Amanda know that she was dismissed. She was one of the only people he could trust, and he didn't hand that out to anyone who listened to him for more than two seconds. She had proved over the past tedious and treacherous months that she could be trusted, going out of her way to make sure a job is done correctly, even if it meant doing it herself. She did whatever Klaus asked of her with a willing heart, and was probably the only compelled vampire in the whole operation that didn't hate him. At this point, he trusted Amanda more than he trusted his own brother. Speaking of which, was off flouncing around with the Katerina look-alike and her devout suitors, along with the other riff-raff they managed to pick up along the way, trying to keep Elena safe whilst forming a plan that would kill him.

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