Chapter 23

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Soon enough, the summer was over, and the new seniors of Mystic Falls were going through with what most of them wait their whole lives to complete – senior prank night.

The mystic falls teens that Thora had become accustomed to having around were all out and about, along with Damon who, once again, had some things to take care of. Not that Thora cared much anyways, she was too busy catching up on her studies and improving her skills in mathematics, reading, sciences, history, the arts, music, culture – all of it. She did have time for those silly trivial games that those in the strange place she found herself in played. She knew that there were more important things to take care of. Like herself.

Now that Damon was always so busy, which she didn't mind, really, seeing as her 'best friend' was the one harboring all of the secrets in the first place, and Elijah still missing, she decided that she didn't need a man nor anyone else to teach herself. She figured that if the great minds of those in which she is studying can think of everything themselves, then surely she can understand their concepts just the same.

And that she did. That was why she was spending what everyone would call the best night of their lives to date inside, brushing up more on what she learned was called the Romantic Era. Little did she know, though, was that the man she had been longing to see again since the beginning of the summer was back, and at the very place she had refused to go just hours earlier. She wanted nothing to do with the group of teens, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. The only reason she was there was because her angel told her that they would be the ones that kept her safe. And if he trusted them with her life, then surely, she could do the same. After all, she trusted him with it.
"'Romanticism was the artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850.'" She read aloud, quoting the 'Wikipedia' article she was currently reading. "Sounds like a good time to me. Better than this strange one that we seem to be stuck in now... But this too shall pass, everything always does. And soon we shall all be nothing but dust. No one will make it. Not I, not Damon, not Elena, not Matthew, nor Bonnie... nor Niklaus. But if there is one thing that shall last, it is love. Without it... this whole world is nothing but empty stardust, waiting for someone to care."
"You've been reading a bit too much philosophy, kiddo," a voice piped in, making Thora drop her book. "Sorry for to scare you, but I really need your help with something and everyone else is gone. Do you mind?"
"Actually, I was just-"
"Great! I'll see you in the car, okay? In fact, bring a jacket, it's a bit chilly out there."

And as soon as he came, he waltzed out of the door and back into the car, leaving Thora alone once again. At first she was tempted to just go back to her work, but then she remembered that Damon Salvatore doesn't take lightly to not getting his way. So, she grabbed her coat, picked up a few of her books, and left the house, hopping into the passenger's seat of the car.
"What do you need help with, anyways?" Thora asked curiously. "Surely it must be serious if one has to bother me this much such a night."
"Trust me, Thora, I just need help with some translations," He answered nonchalantly. "And since you're the only one here that seems to read fluently with runes, I came to you."

Thora just nodded, accepting the answer as one that made sense. She didn't understand how she came to read the runes, but as soon as she saw them it all came to make perfect sense. And truth be told, she liked the fact that she had a skill in which no one else had. It made her feel special.
"What are these translations?" She asked after driving for a while. "I mean, what is it that you need translated."
"Something that could give us some answers on how to get you home." Damon said with a faux smile of reassurance, making Thora's mood brighten drastically. Damon knew all of Thora's weaknesses, and that was one of her biggest ones. The idea of home.
"This is grand!" She beamed. "Oh, how they all must be worried about me! I've been gone for ages!"

You don't know the half of it. Damon thought to himself, smirking.

The two continued their drive, until the car stopped at some sort of clearing.
"Come on, Thora," Damon said, cutting the engine. "I have a house just up north, it's fine."

Thora got a bad feeling from the look of the foreign place, feeling her guard go up again. But if it meant her getting home, she would brave the storm and go with the Salvatore.
"I never knew that you had an abode up here," She said quietly, following him through the forest.
"Eh, never mentioned it. Didn't want to brag." Damon lied, brushing her comment off. "It's actually just up here, we'll be there in a few minutes."

But when a few minutes came and went, Thora stopped walking once they reached a well of some sorts.

"Damon?" She asked timidly, voice slightly shaking. She was now getting a very bad feeling about this whole ordeal. "Why do I feel as if you are lying?"
"Because I am." Damon sighed, turning around and revealing his true form.

Seeing the blood red eyes and the black veins dancing underneath them, Thora screamed. Her fear caused Damon to smile though, watching as she ran for her life. But they both knew that she wasn't going to get very far before he caught up to her.
"Thora, Thora, Thora," Damon tsked. "Now that was just rude. Didn't they ever tell you in your old home to never judge a book by its cover?"

Thora cried out again, running the opposite direction, only to be met with the vampire again.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore, since they're all dead."
"What are you talking about?" Thora cried, sobbing.
"They're all dead Thora." He smiled. "Every single one of your precious village-family are dead. Although I don't know if it was from you and your precious Klaus, or old age, but there is no doubt that they all perished."
"Stop it!"
"Come on, Thora!" Damon screamed, causing her to do the same. "You really believe that they're all just somewhere south of the border or something? This is the year 2011, sweetheart. You were born hundreds of years ago, and died hundreds of years later. You just happened to be brought back somehow, ending up right in the middle of my parlor room. Everyone you knew and loved is dead."
"Stop it!" She screeched through her tears. "Stop lying!"
"Oh, how I wish I were lying," He said with fake remorse. "But unfortunately for you, I'm not."

He watched as Thora sobbed on the forest floor, rolling his eyes at her emotional state.
"This is what you get for getting mixed up with the Mikaelsons, Thora." He said through gritted teeth, grabbing her roughly by the chin and forcing her to look up at him. "You will not move, you will not scream."
"I will not move, I will not scream." She repeated, making him smile evilly.

And with those words, he dove into her neck and fed off of her, earning a gasp of pain from the girl. When he had enough and knew she was weak, he released her and dumped her body into the well.
"Whoops." He smirked, hearing the water splash. "Sorry, Thora, nothing personal. Just needed to have a bit of leverage before dancing with the devil. Later!"

And with that, he walked straight out of the forest, leaving the blonde at the bottom of the well, bleeding and terrified.

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