Chapter 18

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n// yo!! im back!! here's another chapter!! huzzah!!! anyways for all those who care about these things (idk but i do) i went back and changed a few of the gifs to ones that fit the chapter better and whatnot but also i have finally come to a decision on what actress is going to play thora and that will be announced in like the next chapter or two! yay!! excitement!!! anywho i hope you enjoy this and im sorry for the wait!!!

Time flew by Thora faster than she had even realized. She had been living in the Donovan household peacefully, enjoying her days alone while Matt and the others went off to 'school' to get an 'education'. They had suggested that Thora go, but she then explained to them that she didn't know even the basics of what they were learning, and that it'd be foolish for her to jump right in. But the gang all agreed that she needed something to do during the day to prevent her from dying of boredom, so they all agreed that their very own Damon Salvatore would be the one giving her lessons at the Boarding House. At first, they were both uncomfortable with the idea and it wasn't a secret that Damon held malice against it. But after they got the painfully awkward and boring first lessons out of the way, they began to grow closer and closer. Soon enough, Thora began to enjoy the company of the man, and vice versa.

The lessons began to take flight and under the influence of Elijah, Damon taught her everything she needed to know. He helped her improve her skills in math, reading, critical thinking, science – anything you could think of finding lessons online for free, he taught her. And soon, Damon and Thora became thick as thieves, not being able to go one day without seeing or speaking to one another. He was her distraction from waiting for them to take her home and the mysterious man in the photograph, and with the lessons going on most days, Thora was out of the way so that the gang could make plans without having her overhear anything. They even managed to dagger and un-dagger Elijah right beneath her nose without her noticing. They had been planning the execution of her forgotten husband the whole time, sneaking behind her back, getting in all sorts of danger and run-ins with the man of the hour himself.

And, as suspected, Klaus knew everything that was happening to his wife, and he didn't like it one bit. Sure, the thought of his wife being an educated woman of the 21st century appealed to him greatly, but it was the fact that it was Damon Salvatore that was tutoring her that made the hybrid mad. Watching them grow closer and closer each day did him in, too. If it were up to him, the bloody Salvatore would have been dead long ago. But he couldn't think of just his personal needs at the moment – he needed to think about things in the long run. So he just stuck to having one of his compelled vampires to watch over her 24/7.

But Klaus wasn't just angry at the band of misfit toys for growing closer and closer to his wife whilst he couldn't even see her in person, it was the fact that she was being lied to more and more every day. In their relationship, there were no secrets or lies. The couple valued honesty and loyalty above all, and they were the only people they could actually trust in the world. They felt no need to ever hide anything from the other. But the meddling kids of the supernatural world concocted up a new fib every time they saw her. They still had her believing that she was going to be returned to her 'family' as soon as they could locate them, which she trustingly went along with.

Thora deserved to know the truth. She deserved to know that she was never going to go back to her old village, and that she wasn't just in some strange, foreign land. She was in the future. He could tell that everyone was getting more and more comfortable with the seemingly endless piles of lies surrounding the young woman, and that they didn't even see anything wrong with it. They thought they were protecting her from him, yet they only kept her around as leverage against him. They kept her cooped up all day, when he knows that Thora would want nothing more than to take off her shoes and go running through the forest, singing little songs to herself while she giggled and made flower crowns. He knew that she thought she was happy, but he also knew that she wasn't. He had seen happiness when it came to her. Anyone with the capability to see could notice the visibility between her happy and her not being happy, even if she thought she was. Her smile never reached her eyes, and that was because she didn't have the one thing that made life even remotely bearable. Her husband.
"I don't know how much longer I can stay like this," He mumbled, looking over the newest pictures that Amanda had brought him. "This isn't right – invading her privacy like this. I can't keep doing this, to myself and to her. These pictures do nothing more than feed my obsession of getting her back."
"So you're going to get over her then?" Amanda asked questioningly, earning an immediate glare from the hybrid. "...I'll take that as a no."
"Anyone who can magically decide that one day they're going to get over their love for someone isn't worthy of it. Love is a complex thing. It takes time, and effort, and energy, and it needs two people committed to it to make it work. Otherwise it's pointless," Klaus said, looking out the window. "I love Thora and she loves me. In her mind... she just hasn't met me yet."
"Ah, yes. So let me get this straight: you're the lovesick nerdy teen boy in the romance novel who wears glasses and listens to the indie music that all the cookie cutter teens have no idea about and she's the popular girl you're pining after who secretly listens to the same indie band as you but has to hide this double life from her comrades – who she actually hates and who're basically the group of twerps she's currently associated with – because she is a trust fund baby like the rest of them and can't be seen with you because of the disapproving father, which in this case is your brother?" Amanda smirked, sipping her tea. "You, of course, being played by, like... Logan Lerman and she being played by Chloe Grace Moretz."
Klaus let out a genuine laugh and silently thanked the universe that he had found this one – the vampire who actually made everything easier.
"I don't know who these people are, but I can only imagine."
"That's what I do best."
"But as much as I do appreciate a comic relief every once and a while, this... it has to end. The pictures, everything."
"You sure?"
Klaus took a deep breath, finding it hard to even convince himself that what he was making the right decision. But he remembered that if Thora knew about this, she'd be livid. And the last thing he ever wanted was to make her happy. Sighing, he nodded, looking back upon the scenic view he had become accustomed to.
"I trust her." He said after a second. "I know her instincts. I know how she responds to danger. She may be naïve, but she is far from dim. She knows when to run and she knows when to fight. And with the slightly frighteningly good job the Scooby Gang are doing with keeping her out of trouble, hopefully she won't come into any harm's way. And believe me, love. If anyone were even to cause a scrape on her knee, I will have them tortured and killed. I promised her I would keep her safe many years ago. And I broke it once. But never, ever again."
"Your wish is my command."
And with that, Amanda was off to go let the compelled vampires that their services as stalkers were no longer needed. But knowing better than to trust Klaus' instincts in his moment of weakness and despair, she had a little conference with two of the vampires who did their job best.
"You two will stay on watch of the girl. Nothing dangerous is to even come within twenty feet of her, got it? I don't care if you have to die to keep her safe – if she so much as sheds a tear because of someone else, guess who will get it after the guy who made her cry? Us. And I don't know about you, but I intend to stick around for a while. So keep an eye on her at all times, make sure she doesn't get herself killed." She ordered.
"But Klaus said-"
"I don't give a damn what he says. I know good and well what I'm doing. And I also know that if the teenage twerps fail to protect the girl and you do, guess who will be on his good graces? Probably even give you two something better to do as well, lord knows I would hate keeping watch over some chick all day every day..."
The two vampires shared a look with one another before realizing that Amanda was right. It would be better for them in the long run for them to suffer a bit longer through the agonizing boredom they faced every day just for a bit longer if it meant doing something heroic and getting on the notorious hybrid's good side.
"We'll do it."
"I never doubted that you in the first place, gentlemen," She smirked, sauntering away. "Have fun on watch duty!"
Meanwhile, back at the Salvatore boarding house, Thora was suffering through her least favourite subject. Science.
"I don't understand, Damon!" She whined, looking up from her work for a bit. "If most of this stuff is relative in the first place, why must I learn it?"
"Because the law says you do, kiddo," He answered, flipping through the handbook he had gotten aimlessly, looking for the cool experiments. "So does Elijah, so-"
"Elijah?" Thora asked in confusion. "You mean the delusional one that has the odd fantasy that I am his 'sister'?"
Damon closed his eyes and mumbled a string of curses out from under his breath, turning around to face Thora with a bright, sarcastic smile.
"Yeah, that one," Damon spoke. "He is the one that put all of these lessons together. You know, seeing as he's the better teacher than I am and knows more about balancing equations. I'm more of a math guy myself."
"So why doesn't he teach me?"
Damon was taken by surprise by her sudden question. Everyone else would have sworn that she would want nothing to do with the Original, but once again, they were surprised at Thora's sudden suggestion.
"Well, because of what happened earlier with him, we all just thought-"
"Damon, you must learn that one cannot assume that another is feeling something without asking. I am perfectly fine with Elijah teaching me things for the better of my education."
Thora's words caught Damon of guard, and he began to grow suspicious of the girl. Had she remembered anything from the past? Was she starting to piece things together? Or was she just really forgiving?
But Thora was none of the above. She simply wanted a better science teacher than Damon. She watched as the elder Salvatore creased his brow and stared at her for a while, trying to decipher if she was showing any signs of remembering or even vengeance. But, as suspected, she showed none. So, he came to a conclusion.
"Fine. He'll start tomorrow."
"Just like that?"
"Just like that." He smiled. "Besides, I'm pretty sure I've been teaching you wrong this entire time."
"Oh, Damon."
"You know you love me, Thora."

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