Chapter 21

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n// freya ((thora)) is beyond perfect looking at her hurts my soul kbye

"What the hell, T?!" Matt shouted upon her arrival, rushing over to her and examining her dirt and tear covered face. "Where have you been?! Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, Matthew-"
"No, you're not! You have been missing for damn near three days, Thora, and you don't even seem to realize that!"
"I was safe, Matthew."
"Obviously, because your tear stricken face and dirt covered exterior totally convinces me of such."
But Thora couldn't be bothered to dignify him with a response, just stared off into space, thinking about the man who had just turned her world upside-down within the few minutes of properly meeting him. Well, that, and when she would see him next. Nothing else seemed to matter at the moment. Upon seeing this, Matt creased his brow and turned his roommate's face slightly with his index finger, concerned by her expression. She looked, well, to put it kindly, kind of crazy.
"What the hell happened out there, T?" He asked softly, snapping her out of it a little bit.
"Nothing, Matthew," She said with a slight smile. "I just... I would just like to take a nap."
"T, we should really get you checked out. You were out there for three days without shelter and god knows what else. Everyone's been worried sick about you-"
"But did I ask?" She asked suddenly, cutting Matt off and making his eyes widen. "I don't believe I did. And if I may be so bold, I have lived in what you call the wilderness all my life up until this point. Don't think a little bit of time in your civilization could rob me of my true home, just like you all seemed to do."
"T, I don't understand-"

"But you do, don't you? Tell me, Matthew Donovan, when exactly did you all even bother looking for me?"

"We did everything that we could to find you, T."

"Precisely. But you failed, yes?"

"I-I mean, I guess, but-"

"You failed at finding me because I didn't want to be found. I grew weary of being trapped and confined in this space and since you were all off doing God knows what, I took the opportunity of being free. And I was for a few days, but now I am back. And for that you should be happy, because believe me, I could have stayed out there for much longer and have been just fine."

And with her statement, Matt was stunned into shock. Truth be told, the gang had so much to deal with, with Tyler's transformation, the ritual, Jenna dying, Damon being bitten, Klaus getting away after almost killing Elena, that they didn't even realize that Thora was gone until earlier that day. They were all concerned, yes, especially that now that Klaus had gotten what he wanted, and they had even feared that he had gotten a hold of her. But alas, she just decided to go camping during literally the worst time in all of their lives. At least that's what they thought.

"O-Okay," Matt spoke, once again finding his words. "Well, uh, before you take your nap, you should take a shower or a hot bath. No offence, but you look like hell, and it might help you relax a little bit before you go to sleep."

Thora smiled and nodded, walking passed him swiftly and heading to the bathroom, where she would actually follow his advice. One thing she didn't miss about her village was the fact that they didn't have utilities such as hot water and toilets.

But Matt wasn't that willing to let their conversation like she was. Pulling out his phone, he reluctantly dialed the number of the person who was the most concerned about her well-being. Damon.

"Did you find her?" Damon asked weakly upon picking up the phone.

"Yeah, she just came home."

"Is she okay?"

"I actually have no idea..." Matt muttered quietly, looking over his shoulder to make sure that she was out of the room before speaking again. "She came back, covered in dirt and looking like she just stopped crying."

"Maybe it was because she was out in the wilderness for almost three days and she got lost!" Damon said sarcastically, managing to find the energy for it through the werewolf bite.

"Eh, I don't think so."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because I just got bitched out by her and reminded that she was the one who lived in areas just like that before we found her in your parlor room."

"Alright then, Sherlock, what do you think caused it then, hmm?"

"I don't know, but whatever it was, she still seems pretty shaken up about it. Do you think she... Saw anything? Out in the forest? I mean, she went missing the night of the ritual, so it isn't impossible. She even said that she didn't want to be found. Maybe she was scared of coming into contact with us or something."

Damon was silent for a while on the other end, letting the possibilities of her seeing what happened that night run through his head, ignoring the pain for a bit. Matt was right, it wasn't impossible. In fact, it was actually more than likely to be the scenario, seeing that she was the wife of the man who I responsible for all the casualties and the sister-in-law of the man who spared her husband's life. Before the group had all thought that Klaus had found her and kidnapped her, but this was even worse. She now [possibly] knew about the supernatural, and if they weren't careful, she could out them to the whole town.

"Well then, Matty," Damon said with a dry smile and a slight cough. "Guess there's only one way to find out, isn't there?"

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