Chapter 57

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n// intense chapter ahead. lots of italics. even more dialogue. maybe some shouting. definitely some angst. all of this means that i had the time of my life writing this chapter and i hope you love it as much as i do. enjoy children stay safe happy new year i love you.

Thora paced back and forth in her and her husband's shared room, chewing on her lip nervously. After Klaus had gotten his little hybrid to drop her off back home, Thora didn't know what to do. She contemplated leaving the house to investigate, but ultimately decided against that. Going out ran the risk of her ruining whatever her husband had planned, her getting kidnapped and killed (again), or her being used as leverage by the other side of Klaus' attack. So, she stayed at home, and kept herself busy. But, alas, nothing worked.

Everything on the television was of no interest to her, she was too nervous to sleep, she attempted to be productive and clean, but that didn't work out, either. All she could seem to do was change into her nightgown, pace, and worry.

Where was he? Why didn't he tell her what was happening? Was he at risk? Was he going to come home tonight? Was he going to come home at all? What if he didn't? What if the stupid Elena Protection Squad got to him? What would happen then? Why did he need his hybrid? Who was he attacking?

All the questions ran through Thora's head a mile a minute, overwhelming her.

"Damn you, Niklaus," She hissed in frustration, running a hand through her hair. "This was supposed to be a day about us. A day where we enjoy ourselves as a married couple, and go on a damn date. But instead, I'm here, trapped like a damsel in distress, while you're off, doing god knows what, because you suddenly have communication issues. This is why we can't have nice things!"


Whipping her head around to face the door, she was met with a bloodied Klaus, knocking whatever breath she had left out of her. Sensing her concern about his current appearance, Klaus was quick to clarify:

"It's not mine."

Thora visibly unwound at the new information, sighing in relief. He was okay. He was alive. That was the thing that mattered most at the minute. But her relief was quickly replaced with the anger and frustration she'd been feeling before he'd gotten home, reigniting the fire once more.

"What the hell is your problem, Niklaus?" She asked in an almost quiet hiss, glaring at her husband. "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"Thora, love—"

"No. Save it." She interrupted. "You say that we are equals. You promise me that there will be no more secrets. And yet, here you are, running around behind my back, making plans and neglecting to fill me in, oh, and what was it that you did tonight? Ah, that's right, you made your stupid little hybrid practically kidnap me and leave me stranded here while you go on some sort of... killing spree!"

Thora was fuming. All of her worry and concern and fear and frustration grew and grew when she was alone in the house, and now that her husband was back, they were finally being let out.

"Thora if you could just let me explain—"

"I don't want anymore of your excuses, Niklaus!" She cried out. "I don't care about excuses. I care about being left in the dark and being seen as lesser. I care about not knowing what's happening, and about not knowing who my enemy is, and I care about knowing who my ally is. I care about not knowing whether or not it's safe to leave my own bloody home without getting kidnapped or worse. I care about a lot of things, Niklaus, but the thing I care about most is you!"

Thora breathed heavily, staring at her (now) silent husband with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I care about you." She repeated. "I care about us. I care about our marriage and our relationship. You promised me. You promised that if you were the Original Hybrid, that I'd be the Unstoppable Phoenix. You promised that we'd be equals."

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