Chapter 4

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n// i love the mikaelson siblings a lot so i will try to put them in as much as i can but good lord do you guys know how hard it is to find gifs for these chapters?? very hard. i just want to make these chapters as lovely as possible for you guys and besides gifs are cool yo

Thora laughed at something Kol said to Elijah, hunching over and clutching her stomach. Over the past hundred or so years, she has grown close with the Mikaelson lot, and even closer with her precious angel. The infamous Niklaus Mikaelson and Thora Stål were an unstoppable force of nature and the world's most beloved power couple. As the decades changed, they still remained. Even when Niklaus went through his psychotic rampages, his little storm was there with open arms. Her love for him was unconditional, and his love for her was more than that. His love for her was as infinite as one could imagine. Everything he did was for her. Every person he slaughtered, every breath he took, even things no one knew of were for her. She was the one bit of humanity he had left in him.

As for Thora, her love for him ran through her bones. She loved the way he would kiss her forehead and confess all of the loving thoughts he shared when he believed she was sleeping. She adored his precious curls that adorned his perfect face, even though he hated them. She found it cute when he would get confused, seeing his brow furrow in the slightest. She loved the little trinkets he left her on her pillow, and never was bothered by the constant moving around. She believed that if there is a beast that had the power and means to kill her angel, she would do anything.

That was why the other Mikaelson siblings took such a liking to her as well. She was perfect for their dear brother and they believed that he was indeed a better person since changing her that one fateful night. Of course they had their doubts about the mysterious girl Niklaus had suddenly come back with, but who wouldn't? Each sibling handled it differently, no less.

Kol was flirty around her, making her blush and giving her pet names, taking her on trips to feed, and having fun with the newest toy in the metaphorical toy box that was their lives, much to Niklaus' dismay. Kol didn't ever want her to go away, and was instantly taken with her, soon becoming the brother figure Thora never had. Rebekah, much like Kol, was ecstatic at the thought of another woman coming with them on their adventures to nowhere. She had always wanted a baby sister, and she had finally gotten her chance. It was safe to say that Thora and Rebekah wasted no time in becoming the best friends there was. Elijah and Finn, however, weren't as welcoming as the other siblings. They didn't believe that she was as loyal and trustworthy as she and Klaus made her out to be at all. For they had trusted few, but few too many no less. The few they did put faith within betrayed them. But one night, Thora gained their trust by one simple test. Compulsion.

Of course Niklaus knew nothing of it, as if he did, he would have immediately detested and demanded that they never come near his little storm again. So they had no choice but to do the task in secret while the others were out on the hunt.

"Tell me your true intentions with my family, Thora," Elijah compelled, looking into the grey eyes of his brother's beloved. "Tell the truth and you shall live. Lie and I will end your life this instant."

"I wish nothing more than to live out my eternity with the man who gave me the only gift I could ever have asked for and his family. I would never do something that would hurt him or you. Not in a thousand years. I love him." She responded truthfully.

And with that and a quick wipe of the memory, Elijah and Finn grew to enjoy Thora's company. They once speculated that she had a sire bond to their younger brother, but was later disproved when in the heat of the moment whilst having a minor spat, Thora refused to drink the blood of an innocent pregnant woman. Even when Niklaus ordered her to. It was probably one of the only times anyone in the right mind had gone against the mighty Mikaelson, and surely one of the only times they were left unharmed. Because in the end, Thora would always win. He would do anything for her. Even if it wasn't for his own pleasure, something that surprised everyone.

But once again, as the years passed by, their love only grew and grew, until they had finally agreed to marry. They had agreed that after a century or so was more than enough time spent being in one another's company, so they decided to make it official. Once they told the rest of the Mikaelsons that they were engaged to be married, gratitude and happiness filled the very air they breathed.

"This is just splendid!" Rebekah cried out, clutching her hands to her chest with a smile on her face. "Oh, you two shall have the most beautiful wedding the world has ever seen, just you wait!"

Thora giggled and clutched Niklaus' hand, smiling up at him in adoration before gazing back down at her soon-to-be in law.

"Thora and I have agreed that we want nothing more than a small wedding, Bekah," Klaus smiled at his sister. "Something quiet and peaceful. Something within the family. Something that captures the ideals of 'always and forever'."

"And when has anything you have done been quiet and peaceful?" Kol piped in, heading toward the happy couple.

"What Kol means is that he is happy for you both, and that we all look forward to you being an official Mikaelson." Elijah corrected, smiling down at Thora. "Even though you were one from the very beginning, young Thora."

Thora giggled sweetly and snuggled further into her lover's chest, feeling the tickle of warmth in her chest at his touch. Niklaus kissed the top of her head in adoration and then picked up her hand, placing a kiss on the engagement ring he had made for her. It was silver with a single diamond in the center and a small engraving that read "Always and Forever", making it the most beautiful thing Thora had ever laid eyes upon. It was simple and lovely, much like her, and she swore to Niklaus that she would never take it off. Not even if the world would end if she didn't. When she promised him forever, she meant it.

"When's the wedding going to commence?" Finn asked, standing off to the side with his hands behind his back. "Surely you have a plan?"

Niklaus and Thora shared a look that read cluelessness, making Rebekah scoff.

"Oh, please, Finn," She said. "As if they would have been doing any of the planning anyways. Look at them! They're about as daft when it comes to these things as a turkey! Honestly, brother, I do love you, but you and Thora aren't suitable for the job as big as this one. I shall do everything and see to it that all preparations are made."

"Rebekah, we just told you that we wanted nothing more than a small wedding. Right here in the forest, even. There aren't any preparations to be made."

Niklaus smiled at the sound of Thora's silky voice, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment just so he could listen to it better. Out of all the sounds in the world, her voice was his favourite by far.

"I'll be damned if there aren't!" Rebekah stated stubbornly. "I don't care if I'll be the only one attending this wedding, it will be so heavenly that the gods will come down to witness it themselves."

"Let her have her fun, little storm," Niklaus spoke up. "After all, you do deserve only the best."

Thora blushed yet again at the words of her love and hid her face in the breast of his shirt whilst the rest of the family laughed. For once, they were all happy.

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