Chapter 41

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n// this is slightly rushed and a slight filler but the next few chapters will be action packed i promise!!!!!!!!!!!!! love u and i hope u all have great days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps why is she so beautiful??? it physically pains me wtf 

"Well, this is depressing, isn't it?" Klaus asked, clearly amused by the heartfelt conversation that the younger Salvatore and his love's keeper were having. "Oh, and I found this upstairs. Now, by my count, there should be one more."

"Yeah, well, it's gonna take a little more time." Stefan said calmly.

"Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out? No, thanks, I think I'll just kill him."

"Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake."

"I can live with that."

"Well I can't." Stefan said boldly, blocking Klaus from ripping Alaric to shreds. "When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an original vampire killed its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying. So why don't we just find the stake, destroy it, so we can all be safe?"

"You forgot to mention that by killing my brother, you sent my wife into a deep pit of despair that I never wish to see her in, thank you very much." Klaus growled, stepping closer. "But so the fate of the vampire race depends on you finding that stake. And to get it, we need you to pass out. Which means I feel totally justified in doing this."

Speeding over, Klaus knocked Alaric clean over the head, knocking the man out instantly. Smiling in sweet satisfaction, he looked down at the pitiful creature and chuckled.

"There," He spoke. "Sleeping like a baby."

Meanwhile, back at the Mikaelson Mansion, Rebekah and Thora were on their way home from a walk, enjoying the lovely Virginia weather whilst they chatted idly.

"How weird is the twenty first century?" Thora began, sparking the conversation.

It'd been a while since Finn's death, and although she was still heart broken over it, she could at least finally bring herself to get out of bed and hang out with her sister.

"I know, right? I don't know where class has gone!" Rebekah agreed, nodding for more emphasis.

"Yes, but the advances are amazing," Thora stated after rounding the corner. "For example, people can wear whatever they want, we're driving in little boxes made of tin and wheels, women are working and voting, and most everyone is educated. Those are things that are nothing short of unheard of where we come from."

"Exactly! And phones! You can text, and call, and instant message people within an instant!"

"And do you have to sit perfectly still for fifteen hours if you want a picture of yourself, as you are 'feelin' yo self'? No, because that's what the selfie is for!"

"This millennia's technologies are so amazing I literally can't fathom all of them," Rebekah laughed, walking up the steps to their home and opening up the door. "Back in our days, we thought that the compass was a whole new level of genius."

"And when―" But Thora's words were cut short by them both seeing the woman they thought of as their maternal figure at one point or another, Esther Mikaelson. 

"Mother..." Rebekah whispered, in shock for a second.

But that didn't last long, seeing as she wasted no more time in speeding over to the woman and pinning her up against the wall, tightening her hand around the woman's neck.

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