Chapter 37

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n// holy fuck i am the worst author ever it's been sososososo long i am sosososososososososososososo sorry so as an apology here's one of the longest chapters that i have ever written and you may feel free to tell me how much i suck im so sorry guys i love you and i hope you enjoy!!!!! ps this is well over 5000 words lmao just lettin yall know what's up pps I know I usually don't put songs but holy shit?????? heathens by twenty one pilots?????????????? like can u hear how this shit relates to the mikaelsons like it was made for them?????????????????????????????????? I'm so emo

"Well, well, well," Kol spoke, standing up from his position to greet a disheveled Rebekah. "There's our girl."

"Get out of my way, Kol." She growled grumpily.

"Out all night, what a scandal!" The boy continued, throwing his head back in extra exaggeration. "I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?"

"Hey," Thora said in a warning tone, making Klaus look up from his sketching. "That commoner is my best friend!"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebekah stated seriously, ignoring her sister-in-law's comment, making Klaus start to snicker in the process. "Don't start, Nik."

"I didn't say anything." The Hybrid said in his own defense.

"I'm bored!" Kol complained again, flopping himself down on the couch. "Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she is having fun."

"Leave Rebekah alone," Thora spoke again, standing next to the woman and wrapping an arm around her in support. "Because lord knows that you have a knack for seducing women and sleeping with them. In fact, you make Rebekah look like a saint! But do we say anything about your promiscuous habits? No, because you're a man, and that makes it perfectly okay for you to do whatever you want and whomever your cold heart desires. Yet Rebekah spends one night with a man and it seems as if someone has been murdered or something!"

Rebekah grinned at the girl, wrapping her arm around her as well.

"Thank you, Thora," She smirked smugly at the boys. "Glad to see someone has my back here."

"...I need entertainment." Kol spoke, ignoring every word the girls said.

"Go on, have at it." Klaus replied, staring at his feminist goddess of a wife in complete and utter adoration.

"It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart."

"Did he just pull that card?" Thora laughed.

"Oh, he just did!" Rebekah replied.

"...Okay, why not." The Hybrid settled. "I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

"Wait, what?!"

"Oh, did he not tell you, Thora?" Bekah asked, glaring at her older brother. "Your 'Terror Twin' took a jab at Matt last night whilst you and Nik were having your alone time together."


"It was only a bit of fun, love," The Original rolled his eyes. "He lived, unfortunately."

"Okay. New rule in this household." Thora declared, looking at all of the Mikaelson siblings. "Hands off of my best friend. Got it?"

"Whatever. Come on, Nik. I, quite frankly, want to get rather drunk and away from these sods."

"Don't call my wife a sod, mate, or else you'll get another one of those daggers." He said, standing up and walking over to Thora, placing a kiss on her lips.

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