Chapter 10

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n// a lot of these gifs dont even really match but what can ya do?? so pls just picture that bby klaus is saying this w a cute lil teasing grin or something idk yall do yall

"So, why don't you have a Facebook?"

Niklaus laughed and pressed a lingering kiss to Thora's temple, relishing her familiar scent.

"Because, little storm, I have no use for one."

"Yes you do!" She countered. "Everyone has time for annoyingly fun personality quizzes and games involving fake farm animals on some sort of screen."

"Not me. World's most feared man, remember?" He spoke with a teasing smirk. "People quake with fear because I have the power to make them afraid."

"Hush your mouth. I mean what isn't there to like about it? You could use it to connect with old friends and make new ones! And trust me, Niklaus, I have watched over you since the day I died. You need more friends. Perhaps over the internets, you could not kill them!"

"Love, I have no old friends. And even if I do, they would probably use Facebook to find a way to try and kill me."

"You're invincible."

"The point is that I don't have time for liking status updates and pictures of what people are consuming. I have bigger plans than to tell people how I am feeling."

"Ugh," Thora groaned, lightly hitting her husband's chest. "You living folk always seem to waste what you have while you have it. On the other side want to know what we have? The entertainment of watching the people on the other other side make all the wrong choices that lead them into eventual peril."

Niklaus laughed once again and Thora broke out into a grin, propping herself up on one hand. The curly haired original followed seconds after, staring at her with the same look she was giving him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked with a smile.

"How unfathomably in love with you I am."

Niklaus smiled and stood up, feeling his once cold heart flutter at her words. He pulled her up with him and took her hands, leading her in a random direction.

"Do you remember," He began, taking her warm hand. "When I took you to that remote little village in England after our wedding?"

"Of course I do," Thora giggled, swinging their hands back and forth aimlessly. "That was where we tried doing that one-"

"Not what I was going to bring up, Thora," He warned teasingly.

"It was still one of the more unforgettable moments of our holiday, no?"

"Yes. But to me, the most unforgettable moment was-"

"So help me Niklaus if you mention something about me sleeping soundly after a wild and fiery night of sweet love making while the light hits my skin perfectly and the way my eyelashes fluttered over my cheeks in the most delicate of ways-"

"Oh, alright, little storm," He chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "Perhaps you know me too well."

"Yes I do." She countered. "I thought the obsessive paintings of me were lovely, but the ones where you sketched me in the time period were a little... much. Although I did quite enjoy myself in the 'grunge' era. I did quite like Nirvana."

"Stop embarrassing me, little storm," He warned lightly. "You spoke the words yourself. You enjoyed it."

"That I did, and I quite like my mini shrine, too."

"Look, if you're asking me to move on-"

"Who ever told you that?" She asked, stopping. "I don't care how selfish this sounds, Niklaus. You are my one and only. My husband. The love of my life. I know I wouldn't be able to move on if it were you in my position, so who would I be if I were to ask you to do something I know to be impossi-"

"Thora..." He whispered, tears welling up into his eyes once again. "Your hand..."

Thora's once warm hands were now suddenly cold as ice, signaling to the two that the time they had left with one another was fleeing faster than anything they could have ever dreamed of. So Thora decided to shake off the miniature argument - if one could even call it that - and get straight to the point.

"I love you." She said boldly as tears welled up in her eyes too. "I love you so much, Niklaus."

Niklaus pulled her into a hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck while letting out heart wrenching sobs. The same ones that he cried the day she died.

"No. No. I won't allow this. You can't leave now- I-I just got you back! Please, please don't leave me, Thora! I-I love you!" He begged, shattering his wife's heart. "Please don't leave me."

"I know, I know, Niklaus," She whispered, choking back a sob while stroking his hair. "It'll be okay, I promise."

"No it won't."

"Yes it will, my angel. I'll always be with you, even when you can't see me. I will always be there to wipe your tears, to help you in the battle, and I will always be by your side. No matter what."

At her words, the hybrid clutched her closer to his chest, scared that she was going to vanish any second. And they both knew that she was.

"I will find a way to bring you back to me, my love. I don't care if I have to kill everyone on the face of the planet to do so - I will bring you home." He declared, trying to stop his blubbering. "I promise."

Thora smiled sadly and swiped a thumb under his eye, looking at him in adoration.

"And I will be counting the hours till we meet again, my love."

The two kissed one last time, sharing their love and passion for one another in the action. When they broke away, a large white light began to surround them, making more tears slip from both of their eyes.

"Always and forever, my angel." She whispered.

"And even after that, my littlest storm."

monster ⚜️ klaus mikaelsonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin