Chapter 53

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n// im back 🅱itche$

"Klaus, although I do appreciate the thoughts, do you really think we should be having date night?" Thora asked, not being able to hide her smile as she slid into the booth of the grill, shaking off her jacket. "Especially with what's going on with Elena?"

"Thora, my love, if I have to hear her name one more time this evening I am afraid I'm going to have to stab myself in the ears." Klaus spoke with a roll of his eyes and a smirk. "It's bad enough that we have her in our custody, I don't have to be reminded that everyone in this damn town is obsessed with her."

"...Fair enough." She shrugged, placing her head in her hands and looking at the beautiful man before her. "What shall we talk about then, my angel?"

"Hmm," Klaus pondered, pretending to think. "How about my favorite topic?"

"And what might that be?"


(n// find u a man like klaus amen)

"You're ridiculous."

"I'm afraid it's only for you, darling."

Thora rolled her eyes at her husband's antics, but found herself smiling even harder at them all the same.

"How about the wedding." Thora suggested, picking up a menu that sat on the inside of the booth. "A girl in one of my classes called Amelia showed me that you can plan things on the web, as well! I even did something rather naughty and ditched one of my classes to go do some more planning. I emailed it to my mobile, if you'd like to take a look?"

"Thora Mikaelson!" Klaus teasingly chided. "You can't ditch class!"

"Shut up, Nik, it was for the wedding!"

"You know what, I'm calling the school right now." Klaus said seriously, taking out his phone and pressing it to his ear. "Yes, hello? Mystic Falls High? I'm calling to inform you that―"

"Nik, stop!" Thora giggled, trying to reach for his phone from over the table, but he was a little too quick for her.

"―Thora Mikaelson has ditched one of your institution of learning's class periods to plan her wedding. What's that? Suspension? Oh, I would have thought that that was grounds for immediate expulsion. Oh! Glad to see we're on the same page, Mr. Principle. Thank you for handling the delinquent accordingly."

"Niklaus!" The girl laughed loudly, embarrassed even though everyone knew that he wasn't on the phone at all. "Stop that!"

"Hey, if you ditch, you're going to be the one that faces the consequences." Klaus spoke, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "You're the one that decided to live on the edge, and now you're paying for it!"

"It was a scary moment for me, don't make fun of it! Now, do you want to see what I have for the wedding, or not?"

"Of course I do, darling," Klaus smiled. "But would you like to get some food, first?"

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot that we were in a restaurant."

Klaus chuckled as she laughed, taking in her appearance as she did so. Her hair had changed since her return to the land of the living, now containing a little bit of red in the blonde he'd loved so much. Her freckled face had some new clusters added to it from all the time she spent outside since her return to him, and she had started to decorate her eyes with a little bit of liner and her lips with a little bit of color — something so simple that complimented everything in the most extraordinary of ways.

"So what are you getting?" She asked curiously, opening a menu and scanning over the items. "The chicken tenders sound quite nice."

Snapping out of his little trans that went unnoticed by his little storm, he quickly said the first thing that came to mind.

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