Chapter 2

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n// all my chapters tend to be v long lmao im sorry. regardless, i hope you enjoy! ((vote/comment/share please!))

When Thora woke, she was all alone in an unknown territory with a crick in her neck and an unsustainable hunger which seemed to almost control her. She darted up at an unhuman speed, alarmed at all the sudden noise there was. The loud rustling of the leaves, the incessant chirping of the birds in the trees, the sound of the doe's cry, and the far away shouting of men. Confused, she sped over to the source of the noise, seeing a group of three villagers.

"Excuse me?" she asked, stepping into their line of vision. "Where am I?"

The men looked surprised to see her there, but offered her kind, sympathetic smiles nonetheless.

"You're around the border of the forest, love," One of them answered. "Are you okay?"

Suddenly the pain was too much for Thora to handle. She could hear their hearts beating, she could smell their blood, tempting her to do something she couldn't yet put into words. All she knew was that she was hungry. And she wasn't in the mood for anything other than blood.

So she sped over to the first man's neck and bit into it, draining him completely dry within seconds. Then almost at the speed of light, she moved on to the second stranger standing there as the third ran for his life. After she was done with him, she smirked and dashed after her prey, catching him within the minute.

"W-What- What are you?!" The man cried out, terrified of the young girl who resembled some of the young women in his own village. It was a mystery how something so pure-looking could be the end of his existence as he knew it.

Thora smirked and looked into his eyes, feeling the sensation of hunger come over her once again.

"My name is Thora," she smiled. "And I am death."

And without any further hesitation or conversation, she plunged into his jugular and drained him of every last drop of blood the poor man had. Dropping him to the floor with a thump, she wiped the blood off of her mouth with the back of her hand, now somewhat satisfied. But she was broken out of her smug attitude by the sound of clapping.

"You know, little storm," A familiar voice spoke. "I loved the theatrics toward the end - it added quite the effect. And honestly I am quite shocked at how well you went with that. Most people don't really handle their current situation very well."

"I've gotten what I wanted," She smiled, spinning around and looking up at the sky. "How could I possibly handle this badly?"

"Oh, I don't know, seeing the fact that you just ended the lives of three seemingly innocent men."

"What's pleasure without a little price, hmm?" Thora smiled happily. "Speaking of which, to what do I owe you for my new form? Surely this of all things must have a price or some sort of exchange?"

"I only request of one thing, little storm," Niklaus answered honestly. "Loyalty is hard to come by in this day and age, but you and I... we aren't that different."

"And who told you otherwise?" Thora asked. "I would never make you out to be a villain after what you have granted me. How could I?"

Niklaus was taken aback by the sudden loyalty that Thora had shown him, as no one else ever even remotely displayed her behavior without signs of double-crossing him for their own benefit or utter terror. She was more than willing to join his side, and he knew that her word was true. In fact, he was now extremely glad that she wasn't the midnight snack he had anticipated. She was everything she needed, and he knew that this was just the beginning.

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