Chapter 45

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n// sososososo sorry for the ridiculously short filler (this is only 1500 compared to my [on average] 3000-5000 word chapters lol whoops) but after this the action shall resume thank u and i hope u enjoy!!

Time seemed to freeze for Thora Mikaelson.

She didn't care about the fact that Damon and possibly the rest of her vampire/hybrid friends were going to die. She didn't care that Alaric had thrown her sister like she was nothing into the wall. She payed no attention to anything but her beloved husband's casket and his desiccated body inside, staring at her in pain. She didn't even seem to notice how Rebekah had swept her aside, taking her away from the scene. She couldn't talk, she couldn't move. All she could do was let the silent tears roll down her cheeks as Rebekah ran for their lives, carrying her effortlessly whilst crying tears of her own. Thora recalled what she had always known about Klaus and Rebekah. No matter how bad things tended to get between them, she would always be his baby sister, as he was always going to be her big brother. They loved each other, no matter what.

She didn't even realize they were back in Mystic Falls until Elijah had pulled her out of her trans-like state.

"Thora?" He called, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Thora, please, talk to us. Anything, darling. Just say something."

Looking up into his warm, brown eyes, Thora still felt nothing. For a moment, she pondered if she had managed to flip some sort of human switch. Something that distanced herself from her emotions. Then she realized that that was impossible, and that she just felt nothing because she had nothing.

"Kill me." She spoke, void of all emotion.

"W-What?" Elijah asked, more tears spilling out of his eyes than before.

"Kill me. End my life right here, right now." She spoke again, tears still effortlessly streaming down her pale cheeks. "A world without my husband is a world I no longer want to be in."

"Thora, this isn't what Nik would have wanted―"

"But he's dead!" She found herself exclaiming. "He's dead. There's nothing that any of us can do about it. He's gone. He's gone... And I don't know where the hell my husband is right now, but all I know is that I want to be right there with him."

Elijah and Rebekah were quick to dismiss her wishes. It seemed like it was just yesterday that they had gotten her back, and they weren't going to take her life away once again for the sake of love, no matter how much of a martyr she wished to be.

"Get her home and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Rebekah suddenly ordered Elijah. "I have some business to attend to."

"Rebekah, we have to go―"

"I am not going anywhere." She spoke. "You can leave as soon as I come back, 'Lijah. You can go wherever you want. But... Thora and I aren't going anywhere. This is our home. Just make sure she is safe until I am done, brother. That is all I ask."


Rebekah wanted to roll her eyes at his condescending, warning tone. He sounded so much like their father used to when they were children that she almost wanted to laugh and be sick all the same. But she didn't do any of that. She kept her composure and spoke the words that she knew she needed to.

"I am done fleeing, brother. This is our home. This is my home. I am not going to be run out of it. I've spent my whole life running. I am going to get rid of Alaric so that we can be safe again. For us. For Nik. For Thora. Just... Just do me this one favor, and you can leave."

"And what of Thora?" He asked, gesturing to the girl whom was off in her own little world, too consumed in her own thoughts (once again) to acknowledge their conversation. "She's near suicidal, Rebekah."

"I will keep her safe, Elijah." Rebekah reassured. "Trust me, she will be better off here than hopping from destination to destination every other week."

"And if her condition worsens?"

"Then I'll get her off of vervain and strip those thoughts from her system myself."

Sighing, Elijah agreed and gently picked his sister-in-law up, zooming her back to the Mikaelson Mansion.

"And so history repeats itself..." Thora murmured, feeling a fresh batch of tears well up as she was placed back on her bed. It was silent between the two for a few moments before she spoke again. "What life would have awaited you all had I not come back?"

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked, sitting on the corner of the bed once again, staring down at her with pitiful eyes.

"Had Niklaus not brought me back from the dead, maybe he would have been alive." She explained. "It's the butterfly effect. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Therefore, had he not gotten that witch to bring me back... there is a possibility that he would still be alive. That he would be here. That none of this would have even happened."

"If this is your way of telling me that this is all your fault, I have to tell you that you are wrong. Thora, had you not been brought back, Niklaus would have remained dead inside. A man so consumed by his demons that he would not be able to show even the slightest bit of compassion to anyone. He may have been broken, Thora, but never underestimate the power of his love for you. When you left... It was like a piece of him died."

"Well, that makes two of us."

At this, the Original was silent. He didn't know what to say to that. He knew that nothing would make her feel better about anything that was going on, seeing as her husband had been murdered and everyone she knew was an accomplice.

"I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..." She whispered. "My own husband, and the last thing I ever said to him was over a phone call. A stupid phone call. The last 'I love you' I ever said to him wasn't even in person. How fucked up is that?"

"An 'I love you' is a declaration of love no matter where or how you say it, Thora." Elijah said comfortingly. "No phone call, text message, letter, or anything is going to change that."

Sighing, Thora let her tears roll down her cheeks as she stared at the space where Klaus used to sleep, making them fall at a more rapid speed.

"I don't want to live in a world where the only thing that could make me feel happiness and light has been taken away from me, Elijah. I don't want to live a tragic existence. I want to be with him, where I belong. I want to see him again."

"I'm afraid that I cannot let that happen, sister."

"And why not?"

"Because Niklaus wanted you to survive, god dammit!" Elijah cried, clutching her hand for dear life. "He didn't care what happened to himself. You could break his soul, take his life away, beat him, hurt him, kill him ― but for the love of god, don't touch his little storm. He cared for you with such a passion that it ran through his bones. And I would rather die myself than see all of that... That once in a lifetime type of love go to waste. You two had the stars, Thora. You had everything. Don't let that go to waste. If not for me, or Rebekah, or Kol, or Finn, or Matthew, or anyone else you love, do it for him. This is not how he would have liked to see you live your life. You were gifted with a second chance. Don't throw it away."

And for what seemed like the millionth time, the young woman choked back a sob and clutched his pillow, clinging on to one of the last things that was a piece of him. She cried and fell apart as Elijah held her throughout the whole process, not saying anything unlike the last time. He knew that nothing he could have said would help her in the process even more than he did just a moment prior, and that sometimes all anyone needed was just an outlet. And for a moment, Elijah wasn't worried about the future or where to go next; he was mourning over his little brother like he should have been.

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