Chapter 28

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n// omg it must be christmas bc two chapters in one day?? guys im on a roll. but as i said last time that crossover was so lit i was hyperventilating ok like seriously i was crying the whole time i love them so much anyways this is probably the most action packed chapter yet and if yall hold on a bit longer a certain amnesiac might remember a lil somethin somethin ;););) anyways i hope you enjoy this and be sure to vote/comment/etc!! thank u!!!!

"Good evening, everyone!" Klaus said loudly as the band stopped playing at Tyler Lockwood's homecoming party. "I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming."

The party went on, happy teens and young adults drinking and laughing the night away, accompanied by the band's live music.

"Quite the homecoming." Stefan said to Klaus as they walked together through the vicinity.

"I've been planning my father's funeral for a thousand years," He smiled. "Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited, but you get the idea."

"So what now? You stop running?"

"Now, I reunite my family."

"Your family. You mean the people you cart around in caskets?"

"None of that matters anymore." Klaus explained. "Mikael's gone. Bygones will be bygones."

The pairing watched as two of the guests passed by, paying some unimportant compliment about the party and how they liked the band, causing Klaus to smirk.

"Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living, which means Rebekah isn't here. Where is she?"

"I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt." Stefan replied with a stoic expression.

"Oh, be honest now, Stefan." The hybrid said lowly, growing impatient. "Where is my sister?"

"I said I have no idea." Hero-hair said in the same tone, "Now, would you like me to take you to your father?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me."

Stefan pursed his lips at the request, knowing that it put a damper on the plans. But nonetheless, he agreed.

"Alright," he spoke. "Perhaps there's something in it for me?"

Klaus stared at him with squinted eyes and a tilted head, practically taunting the younger vampire.

"My freedom from your compulsion." Stefan continued.

"Oh, you want your freedom?" Klaus asked. "Well, once he's dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back to you."

Meanwhile, Thora was all alone once again, thinking about everything that she had gone through over the past few weeks or so. She had been finished with crying, knowing that it wasn't going to do anyone any good, regardless of whether it made her feel better. She'd learned to stop questioning the strange things that tend to only revolve around her and those in which she was associated with. And most importantly, she has stopped wondering why she felt so strongly for a man of which she hardly knows. And after a long time of internet research and WebM.D. articles, she had come to the conclusion that she was suffering from a severe case of amnesia, along with the so-called methods for helping her get her memories back.

But this wasn't just some puny 'I've got a bump on the head and I've forgotten who my friends are', this was something more extreme than any doctor or WebM.D. article could have ever comprehended. This was something that could only be described as Supernatural. And Thora was well aware that there was only one person that she could get the true answers from. The love of her life himself, Niklaus Mikaelson.

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