Chapter 25

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n// pretend that cami is thora pls thank you anyways I have an announcement!!

I recently published a new klaus story called Sweet Ophelia ((I know I write a shit ton of klaus stories but u guys seem to like them idk ++ he's my all time fav)) and I would be beyond grateful if you guys checked it out and voted/commented on it!! I'm really really excited for it and it's pretty different from this one, but holds some of the same aspects. It's a lot lighter and funnier, and I'm really proud.


Also pls pls pls stop commenting "update" every two seconds bc i update as soon as I have a chapter done. As yall can probably tell I dont have an updating schedule, I write when it comes to me. Also not to sound rude/mean or whatever but half of you guys who comment dont vote or anything but thats none of my business. But if yall could go back and vote for a few chapters that would be amazing!!

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter, took me forever to write, but it was worth it. Read on!!

Thora sloshed around at the bottom of the well, sobbing and grabbing her bleeding neck, trying desperately to stay awake. Since Damon bit her, she was growing weaker and weaker by every passing minute. She barely had enough energy to keep herself awake and afloat, and that was quickly deteriorating. She knew that she didn't have long before she froze or drowned. But even besides that and all that she had just been through, Thora could only bring herself to think of one person, and one person only. The love of her life.

"Niklaus," She whimpered weakly. "Niklaus..."

Meanwhile, the man of the hour himself was speeding his way through the town and into the forest, mind racing and adrenaline pumping. As if getting the news about Mikael was nightmarish enough, Damon had to go and drink from his wife and toss her in a well with freezing water on one of the coldest nights to date. But he knew she was still alive. Something deep inside told him so. He couldn't explain it, nor could he completely understand it, but he knew in his heart that his little storm was out there somewhere, still breathing.

"Thora!" He screamed as loud as he could, running through where Damon told him she would be. "Thora, love, if you can hear me, you have to respond!"

Upon hearing this, Thora's ears perked up. Wading in the water weakly, she smiled. This is what death felt like. As much as Thora hated to admit it, she almost felt tranquil. She wasn't in pain, she heard the distant voice of her angel, she felt like she was simply falling asleep.

"Niklaus..." She whispered, smiling faintly. "My... Angel..."

"Thora!" Klaus roared, hearing something faint. The sound of his wife, calling his name, followed by a weakened heartbeat. "Thora, where are you?!"

Hearing the heartbeat grow quieter and quieter, he strained his ears and followed it, stumbling upon the well that the elder Salvatore threw her in.

"Thora," he gasped, seeing her at the bottom of it, eyes closed and slight smile on her face.

"Niklaus..." She whispered, finally drifting off.

Niklaus wasted no more time by stripping his jacket and jumping straight into the well and grabbing her, securing her on his hip before using his hybrid skills to quickly get out of the well.

Setting her down on the forest floor, he gathered her in his arms, wrapping her up in his jacket and letting out a sob in the process after stripping her of her wet clothes. He furiously bit into his wrist, letting the blood trickle down her throat, waiting to see if it would take.

"C'mon, my little storm," he said shakily, cradling her in his arms. "Please wake up. Always and forever hasn't even begun yet - please. I need you. Please wake up."

And as if his begging and sobbing was some sort of trigger, Thora woke up with a cough.

"Oh, thank God," Klaus said, bringing her into his chest while she cried. "It's alright, little storm. I'm here. You're safe now, baby. I promise."

Thora clutched onto his wet shirt as she sobbed and shivered, not wanting to let go.

"You came back," she said in between cries. "You came back for me."

"Of course I did, Thora," Klaus said like it was obvious, ignoring his tears. "I'll always come back for you."

He held her even closer as she trembled even harder with each moment. His blood may have healed her nasty bite mark thanks to one Damon Salvatore, but unfortunately, it wasn't exactly the right thing for curing the symptoms of moderate to severe hypothermia.

"We need to get you to a hospital, love," he whispered, standing up and carrying her bridal style. "I need you to stay awake and stay still for me, little storm. Can you do that for me please? Just for a little while until we get to the hospital just outside of town."

"Y-Yeah," Thora nodded drowsily, tears still running down her cheeks. "I-I-th-think I can."

Klaus nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead, feeling the cool of her cheek pressing against his warm neck.

"Hold on tight, baby," He said softly. "Shield your face, yeah? Don't look up until I say it's safe. It'll  only be a minute."

After making sure that his wife complied to his instruction, he took a deep breath and sped his way onto the highway, making a car screech to a halt. Running over to the driver's side, he opened the door and was met by some irresponsible looking teen in what was most likely one of his parents' car.

"Hey, man! What the-"

"Give me your car," He compelled. "Walk home, don't stop for anything. You were robbed, and they had a gun. If they ask who did it, say a man with black hair and blue eyes who said he was named Damon."

The man monotonously repeated the compulsion as Klaus ripped him from the car, practically throwing him onto the empty highway, and getting himself and Thora situated before speeding off in the direction of a hospital out of town. If Damon's words rang true, and Mikael was alive and after them, then he had to leave the town immediately. 

Granted, his second reunion with his wife wasn't that of which he had planned or foreseen. He imagined it in a little more... Romantic of a way, you know? But hell, he would take anything if it meant being with her again. Even having to drive her all the way to the hospital in the next town over because she was suffering from hypo-bloody-thermia from being thrown in a well after being drained of a good percentage of blood. She should have been dead if he was being honest. But she wasn't. Thora Mikaelson was alive and well (for the most part) and Klaus was going to make sure she stayed that way.

"You can show your face now, darling," Klaus said, realizing that the stunning girl in the front seat which he had reclined for her was still shielding her face. "It's alright, you're going to be okay, I promise."

Cranking up the heat as high as it went, he began driving down the highway at what must have been over a hundred miles an hour, getting to the hospital in a record time of fifteen agonizingly slow minutes filled with breaking every traffic law in the book. Hell, if he had a license, it would have been permanently revoked.

"Follow my lead, love," He whispered in her ear, entering the emergency room entrance as quickly as he could. "Help! Please, my wife! She's in shock, I think it's hypothermia!"

Thora listened weakly to Niklaus' attempts of an american accent, smiling ever-so-slightly. She couldn't help it -- he sounded ridiculous. She began to fade in and out of consciousness as she heard the hustling and bustling of everyone and everything around her, before everything went black.

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