Chapter 44

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n// sorry for the wait but here u go!! lots of action and emotion!!! then again what chapter isnt packed with that lmao

anyways, the real purpose of this annoying author's note is to call for all u elijah mikaelson guys and gals like myself, because i have some big news.

i recently posted my first elijah fic, and im really proud of it so far. it's entitled "lucifer" and it'd mean a lot to me if you could all check it out and tell me what you think!! here's the cover:

 it's entitled "lucifer" and it'd mean a lot to me if you could all check it out and tell me what you think!! here's the cover:

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and here is the link:

hope you enjoy!! anyways,, here's the chapter!

After she had gotten the text from Damon, Thora wasted no time in bolting out of Caroline's house, tears flowing freely down her red cheeks, not stopping until she had reached the front doors of the mansion, throwing them open and calling for her beloved. But when she got no response, all she could do was cry. She fell in a heap on the floor, screaming his name over and over again, until she was physically unable to do so. And after a while of pure agony, she knew that she wasn't going to last the night alone. So, she called the one person that would know what to do in a situation like the one she was in. Her big brother, Elijah. Dialing his number, she struggled to gain control of herself giving up entirely by the time he had answered.

"Elijah!" Thora sobbed into the receiving end of the phone.

"Thora?" He asked in confusion, wondering what the hell had made Thora so upset that she was this heartbroken. And automatically, his thoughts went to the worst possible scenario. Death. "Thora, what's wrong?!"

"He's gone." She cried weakly in response, sitting all alone on the floor of her once home. 

Home didn't exactly feel like home when the heart was gone and everything was put into boxes.

"Who? Who's gone?"

"K-Klaus. They killed him. Oh, God, they killed him!"

Falling into another fit of sobs, she let Elijah process the information on his own while she continued her grieving.

"I'll be right there."

And with that, he hung up the phone, prompting Thora to do the only rational thing to do at the moment. She screamed. She let out a cry of pure agony and pain, thus releasing some of the anger she held. She didn't know how long she had remained on the floor like that, sobbing and clawing at her chest, trying her hardest to get the pain to subside. It could have been an hour, two, three, twenty four, or a million, and she wouldn't have even noticed. The only reason she came back to reality was because of the entrance of her brother-in-law, who wasted no time in racing to her side.

"Thora," He gasped, picking her up off of the floor so that she was sitting up properly, but leaning into his chest. "Are you alright?"

But she couldn't even bring herself to dignify him with a proper answer. All she could do was shake her head, signalling the man that she was, in fact, the farthest thing from okay that she had ever been. Elijah may have been in love, yes, and that love may have been snatched away from him, but not like this. Never like this. The love he felt for those may have been real, but it was also replaceable. He eventually learned to grow past those women and move on to others in due time, but not Thora and Klaus. When they vowed 'always and forever', they meant it with every single fiber of their being. And now, Klaus was gone, and Thora was left alone. History always had a funny way of repeating itself.

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