Chapter 6

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n// sorry this chapter is a but shorter than the others but yo!! cute little Nora scene!!! also look at joseph in that gif tho god lord

"Niklaus!" Thora giggled as he threw her over his shoulder. "Niklaus what are you doing?!"

Niklaus said nothing as he carried her over his shoulder and zoomed her out to the middle of the forest. The forest was a place where every good thing in his life seemed to happen. It was where he met his little storm, it was where he told her he loved her, it was the place where they wed, and it was by far their favourite place to be. She only added enchantment to it, and Thora was convinced that he was some sort of elven god. But he was no elf, he was a vampire.

"Niklaus!" Thora whined when he put her down. "What on Earth was that for?!"

"I wanted us to be alone..." He muttered innocently.

Thora smiled and shook her head at her husband, grabbing him by the cheeks and planting a kiss right upon his full lips. Of course, he responded without hesitation and kissed back, deepening it vastly. But then he remembered why he had brought her there in the first place and pulled away with a smirk.

"Although I would absolutely love to, my little storm, I didn't bring you out here to be alone for that reason," He teased. "I brought you here to give you this."

Niklaus reached into his pocket and fished out a necklace, causing Thora to gasp slightly at its beauty. He knew she hated it when he spoiled her with gifts of silver and gold and all the jewels you could imagine, but he never listened. He knew her threats were empty, and he had always enjoyed seeing her wear the newest piece of her ever-growing collection for the first time. Either way, she ended up lending most of it to her darling sister-in-law, Rebekah. She wore it more, anyways. But this wasn't just another emerald comb or diamond earrings, this was the single handedly most beautiful thing her beloved had ever given her, aside from her engagement ring, of course.

"Niklaus," She whispered, looking at the silver necklace, "It's beautiful!"

Niklaus chuckled and shook his head, still finding it rather amusing that she found the most simple and plain piece of jewelry the prettiest. Then again, she always did prefer the simple things in life.

"I had it made for you and had it delivered here all the way from Italy," He explained as he put it around Thora's delightful neck. "I designed it myself."

"And never once have I seen something that compares to its beauty, my angel." Thora said encouragingly. "It's perfect. Everything about it - down to the scratch going down the back of it - is perfection in its purest form."

"They scratched it?!" Niklaus raged.

"No, I jest, Niklaus," Thora giggled in response, running her fingertips lightly over the tiny charm that hung from the chain. "It is in pristine condition, and I shall never take it off. I promise."

The Original sighed in relief at her humoring and let out a laugh, knowing that if it were quite literally anyone else in her situation they'd be dead for worrying him like that after all of his efforts. But deep down, he was glad that his little storm was comfortable around him enough to play these tricks on him. He had always loved seeing her smile, and would do anything to be graced by it.

"The charm is the old Nordic rune for family. I know how much you like learning about the old witchcraft and whatnot, so I found it fitting."

Which is true. There were many days spent by Niklaus and Thora laying on their bed, reading books on the practices of the witches and having him teach her what all the different runes and symbols meant and how to use them. He found her attraction to magic rather odd, seeing as that most - if not all - witches hated vampires, but Thora couldn't help herself. She saw the beauty in everything, and found the fact that they were nature's servants to be completely amazing and noble. So just as she was kind to them, the witches were kind in return. Which was how Klaus coaxed them into casting a spell on her newest necklace, making it so as long as she wore it, she would be seen as a friend to the witch population. Now, no witch would ever accidentally harm his little storm in spite of what she is.

"Oh, Niklaus," She gasped, holding it delicately. "It's perfect. Thank you, my love. Thank you."

"Anything for the love of my life." He responded endearingly. "Come, turn around. I want to see how it looks on you."

Thora happily obliged and turned around, moving her long hair back to where it was so that he could get the perfect view.

"If knew any better I'd think that it was made specially for you, love." Niklaus chuckled, grabbing her by her waist and bringing her closer to him, planting his kiss on her soft lips.

Thora kissed back hungrily, but then drew away when she heard Rebekah's cries for them to return home.

"Not now, Niklaus," She giggled. "You know how Rebekah grows impatient."

"If not now, then when?"

"When we get back and your siblings go out for their nightly hunt amongst the mortals." Thora smiled deviously. "But first, a race."

"A race?"

"Back to the castle that you lot have oh-so-graciously compelled us."

"If I recall, you're the one who-"

But Niklaus was cut off by the blurring of his one true love rushing back to the castle.

"Oh, little storm," He chuckled. "How I love you."

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