Chapter 9

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n// please just imagine this gif not being camille yes i love her too but guys thats our no. 1 bbyg thora in this chapter :')) anyways i wrote it out to be a bit more THEATRICAL and LOVING so just imagine that gif in a 10000000x more intense fashion okie dokie ily

"Niklaus!" She screamed, smiling and running into his arms.

He caught her with ease and twirled her around, breathing in her familiar scent and clutching her close to his chest. He brought one hand up and cradled the back of her head, letting out the sob he had been holding in.

"I've missed you so much, my little storm," He cried into her shoulder. "So, so much."

"I know, Niklaus. I know."

She reluctantly pulled away from his grip and looked into his eyes for a moment, noticing they were exactly how she remembered them. Then she did the thing she had been waiting to do since the day she died all those years ago. She planted her lips upon his. All of the emotions that they had felt before were coming back even stronger, and she couldn't resist the feeling of his warm touch.

"Niklaus," She muttered in between kisses. "I need to talk to you."

"Can't it wait?"

Thora chuckled before pulling away and sitting on the floor of the forest, dragging Niklaus along with her. She laid him down on his back and wrapped herself in his arms, laying her head on his chest and breathing in his scent.

"I am so proud of you, Niklaus." She whispered. "So proud."

"There isn't much to be proud of, little storm," He chuckled dryly. "I have committed many atrocities since you've been gone, and whatever I do to try and make amends is always somehow making it worse... You always knew what to say, my love. You always knew what to do, too..."

"I still do, you know," She chuckled. "Just because I'm dead doesn't mean that I'm not right."

Niklaus let out a laugh and planted a long kiss on her forehead, letting more bitter tears escape.

"Why did you have to leave me?"

"I never wanted to, Niklaus. And I never will. I know this sounds overused and cliche of me, but I will never leave you. Not ever. I am always watching over you, and I am always beside you, even at your darkest of times. Always and forever isn't something I take lightly, you know..." Thora said softly with a little laugh, tracing shapes on her lover's chest. "Remember what we said at our wedding? Till death do us part..."

"And even after that." Niklaus finished.

"Yes, and I refuse to let something as puny as death conquer our love. I am your bloody wife for Christ's sake. You can't get rid of me that easily at all."

Niklaus laughed and pulled her closer into his chest, missing her warmth after hundreds of years of being apart. The nights had grown cold and the early mornings had grown lonely without his one true love beside him. He needed this.

"How is this possible, my love?" He asked in a whisper, almost afraid the answer. "How are you here, in my arms? How am I seeing you? Feeling you, kissing you?"

"Shh, Niklaus," Thora whispered. "It isn't of any importance. Right now, the only thing that matters is that you can do all of those things."

"I know I'm dreaming, little storm, and that's not the problem. The problem is that I am going to wake up at any given moment and have to return to the harsh reality. And I don't want to. I've grown so weary of being the antagonist for so long... Sometimes I feel like it would be easier if I were just on the other side with you-"

"No. Don't you dare speak of such things, Niklaus Mikaelson." Thora growled lowly. "I never want to hear you say that again. I don't care if you dying is the only way I will ever be with you again - you are not going to die. Not now, not ever if I have anything to say about it."

Thora sighed and ran a hand through her hair, propping herself up on one hand and looking into Niklaus' eyes as he did the same.

"Yes. You have done some things that aren't to be seen as heroic in any sense of the word. You have killed, you have lied, cheated, broken promises, daggered your siblings for the past hundreds of years and carted them around like they're nothing more to you than extra baggage on your voyage for power. You are the most feared man in the whole world, Niklaus, and one must do terrible things for them to gain that title. Wherever you go, people always perish and to you it's nothing but collateral damage. Does that make you any less of the Niklaus I married? Not at all. Because I also know that you are always the one who gets the short end of the stick. I know that you're constantly being attacked, lied to, cheated, skipped out upon, and stabbed in the back. You're not the antagonist in your story, Niklaus. Only in the people's who don't feel like they should get the justice they rightfully deserve. And you know what? Who even cares what they think? You can't possibly tell me that you of all people let some measly attacks on your life sway your plans for world domination." Thora smiled. "Because if they did, I might have to find a way back to the land of the living just to slap you."

"And that would be such a bad thing because...?"

Thora laughed and laid back down on his chest, smiling up at the clear blue sky and playing with Niklaus' fingers.

"I'm being serious, though," She spoke again. "Whenever you begin to feel lost, or sad, or angry, or whatever emotions you twenty-first century folk feel in this age, just think of me. Because you can bet your life that I will always be there to hold your hand and brush the tears away. Even if you don't notice I'm there."

"Will I be seeing you again?"

"That's up to the queen of the universe, my angel." Thora giggled a little. "Now, tell me. How exactly does an 'internet' work?"

So Niklaus and Thora enjoyed what time they held together, never once letting go of the other. They laughed and cuddled and kissed, sharing stories and catching up with one another.

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