Chapter 33

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n// italics are memories okok and please ignore that that's not thora in the gif thank u~~

ps sorry this is so short but i wanted to give yall some perspective and a better understanding of her relationships with all the mikaelson siblings and our fav homocidal hybrid klaus <3

also finn mikaelson is an angel and deserved better js

Thora strolled into her room at some palace that they were staying in for the time being, smiling slightly at her surroundings.

"I take it everything is to your liking?" Klaus asked, popping up out of nowhere, giving the girl a small fright.

"You scared me," She whispered, placing a hand on her chest, turning around and looking at the man that transformed her into something indescribable just a while ago. "But yes. Everything here is very lavish. I must confess that I am not used to such luxury..."

"Well, darling, do grow used to it," Klaus said, smiling at his newest companion. "Because this is all you'll ever be living in for the rest of eternity."

"What did you do to her, mother?!" Klaus growled out, speeding over to his brother and ripping her from out of his grasp, clutching her to his chest to prevent any further damage from happening due to his mother's arrival. "Wake her up this instant!"

"What do you think happened to her after she died, Niklaus?" Esther asked, looking at the way he guarded her body with his life, not letting anything nor anyone even glance at her the wrong way. "Thora ended up on the other side, with me. We actually ended up spending a lot of time together, and eventually became close. But she also managed to distract me from the fact that you were planning to bring her back, all whilst gathering information and giving it to you through the dreams I allotted you two."

"So this is your revenge, huh?" He shouted, letting a tear slip. "Putting her into another eternal sleep so that we can be a family again? Without the one thing that makes it whole?"

Esther smiled and shook her head at her son's accusations, going more into detail of what happened whilst Thora was dead.

"On that day, the day of the spell that brought her back, I tried to counter it. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to stop it any time soon, so I settled with doing the one thing that I could do."

"You erased her memory..." Elijah concluded,stepping forward and looking as dapper as could be. "It was your punishment toward Niklaus."

The original witch nodded and sighed, taking a seat on one of the couches.

"I only realized what I had done was a mistake once she was safely in the land of the living, and I deeply regretted my decision. But what was done was done, and there wasn't anything I could really do about it. With that spell, she'll get them back. Her memories, that is."

"And what of her unconsciousness?" Rebekah asked, looking toward the girl whom she thought as a little sister.

"A mere side effect." Esther smiled. "She will awake in time."

"Thora?" Finn asked aloud in the dead of night, seeing his sister-in-law awake and sitting by an extravagant fireplace. "Whatever are you doing awake at this hour?"

Thora smiled at the man before looking back into the flickering flames.

"One could ask you the same question, Finn."

"Well, if we are going to play this game, I asked first."

"I couldn't sleep." She eventually confessed. "And you?"

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