Chapter 7

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"Thora!" Niklaus called down the corridor they occupied. "Oh, little storm! Where art thou?"

But he was met with silence. Absolute and utter silence. Furrowing his brow, he broadened his search, calling up and down the halls of the castle for his wife. Soon enough, when he had realized she was nowhere in the castle, panic began to rise in him. He knew Thora all too well to know that running off randomly wasn't like her, even if she was always one for childish games. So he found himself going to his siblings, hoping that they had seen her somewhere.

"Brothers, sister," He greeted curtly and out of breath. "Have any of you seen Thora?"

"Surely she had been with you, Niklaus," Elijah said in a state of confusion. "Is she alright?"

"That's what he's trying to figure out, isn't it, brother?" Kol piped in with attitude. He knew that if Niklaus wasn't finding Thora anywhere that it wasn't a good sign. "Where did you see her last?"

"We were in the forest, and I had just given her the necklace I had imported from Italy," He explained. "That's when we heard Rebekah calling. So...she challenged me to a race to the castle. And when I got here, she was nowhere to be found."

"She's probably just lost, Nik," Finn chuckled. "You know how awful she is with directions. She's probably walking in circles around the same trees over and over again."

"Well there's only one way to find out." Rebekah stated, trying to hide the panic in her voice. "Finn and I shall stay here in case she comes back and compel the servants to keep an eye out for her while you, Elijah, and Kol go out and look for her in the forest."

The Mikaelsons agreed and went their separate ways, all teaming up despite their differences to find the only thing that truly brought them together as a family. Their precious little Thora Mikaelson.

"Thora!" Niklaus called again. "Thora, can you hear me?!"

Once again, he was met with silence. So he kept walking, hoping that one of his siblings would show up and assure him that his little storm was okay and that she was in the safety of their room, and that Rebekah was right. She had merely gotten lost on her way back. After all, she was the worst with navigational skills, it wouldn't be out of sorts for her at all.

But Niklaus' hope was short lived when he saw it. Her brand new necklace on the forest floor, right next to a pile of ashes, a blown out torch, and a wooden stake. All of the sudden, he felt himself drop to his knees and stare down at what was in front of him. He could feel himself screaming in agony at the sight of his beloved's ashes, but he couldn't hear a thing. All he could do was wail like the banshee until he felt a hand on his shoulder and tears fall onto his back.

"She's gone," He whispered through his tears. "My little storm...she's gone..."

Rebekah clutched onto Kol as she sobbed, him hushing her softly while trying to soothe his own emotions. Finn stared down at the scene with a stoic expression, not even blinking. It was as if he were in such disbelief that the reality of it all hadn't even set in his head yet. Then there was Elijah, playing the part of the noble brother down to a T, even in a situation like that. He had his hand on his younger brother's shoulder firmly, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him at the moment. He had to be strong for Niklaus in this hour of need, and if that meant pushing his own emotions aside for the time being, he would do it. But after hours, the rest of the Mikaelsons left, leaving Elijah watching as the younger Mikaelson mourned over his late wife's ashes.

"Brother..." Elijah began, only to be cut off by Niklaus himself.

"Don't you 'brother' me, Elijah," He growled. "My wife has just been murdered. Staked in the heart and then burned. The love of my life, Elijah. Here one second and then gone the next. A-And I wasn't there to do anything about it. I could have saved her, Elijah! I could have kept my promise to always keep her safe! I broke my promise, Elijah. I broke my promise..."

Elijah watched as his brother went from furious to a sobbing mess in two seconds, but was there for him nonetheless. He brought Niklaus into his warm embrace, letting him cry out for his precious Thora over and over again.

"Please," he whispered in a broken voice to his brother. "Let me have a moment alone..."

Elijah nodded without hesitation and sped away, leaving Niklaus alone in the heart of the forest with the remaining pieces of the love of his life.

"My little storm..." He sobbed, picking up the necklace he had gotten her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

But when he saw that not only her necklace was left behind, but also her wedding ring, he let out the deepest, most earth shattering growl anyone had ever heard before. Picking it up, he placed it on the chain and fastened it around his own neck, letting it fall over his heart.

"When I find the man responsible for this," Niklaus growled out, clutching the rune and the ring. "I will show him no mercy. I will avenge you, my little storm. If it is the last thing I do."

monster ⚜️ klaus mikaelsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora