Chapter 20

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"That was..." Klaus spoke, sitting up after transitioning back into his human form. "Amazing."

Scrambling up, he put on the pants that his older brother had tossed him, taking time to look up at him.

"Almost two days," Elijah answered. "The full moon came and went. You still remained a wolf."

"I can change at will then." Klaus spoke with a smile. "It's good to know."

Elijah looked down at his brother in disdain as he continued feeling over the moon about finally getting one of his main priorities completed without a hitch.

"I remember every single kill." He continued.

"Yes, and I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way."

"Just like old times, brother."

"You've had your fun, I believe we have a bargain."

"That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah, wait. I remember, that's it. You wish to be reunited with our family."

"You gave me your word, Niklaus."

"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me."

"I could have..." Elijah said, holding up Klaus' coat and helping him put it on. "But I didn't."

"And now no one can," Klaus smiled. "Not even you."

He turned around and faced Elijah, not even caring that much that he tried to kill him. He was really mad about the fact that he had his precious wife in his possession and kept it a secret from him.

"Relax, brother," Klaus continued. "All is forgiven."

"Where are they?"

"You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough."

And with that, Elijah sped off, leaving a smug Klaus behind, chuckling at how he was giving his brother a hard time, as per usual.

But there, just on the other side of the green, was Thora, coming out and wandering the forests again, looking for the man she saw that other night. She had been on the run since that night, just looking for him and leaving the rest of the "Protect Elena Squad" to try and track her while she stayed hidden. And the surprising thing was that it wasn't that hard at all to leave and go by unnoticed by the once heavily guarded group of friends. Everybody sort of seemed to forget her very existence, all being caught up in their secret activities and drama concerning the very night she laid eyes on him in person.

Upon hearing the distant, yet familiar, voice of Elijah and the angelic one of her mystery man, she stood up straight and felt butterflies go off in her stomach rapidly. It was him. After weeks of wondering, there he was, alive and well after the other night's events. So, she dashed as quickly as she could, leaping over logs and treading through dirt just to get to where they were.

"Wait!" she cried out as she caught sight of the back of his head, beginning to follow after his brother. "Please, my angel, wait!"

Klaus froze in his spot, feeling his heart stop and his blood run cold. He knew that voice. He would recognize it anywhere. It was the voice he found solace in, the voice who sang him to sleep on the nights where he feared his father would finally catch up with him, the voice he fell in love with. The voice that could have only belonged to his little storm.

"It's you," Thora stated boldly, looking down on him from her slight vantage point. "You're the man who is in that picture. The man who gave me this necklace."

"I haven't got a clue as to what you are referring to," He muttered, not being able to face her in person.

"Yes you do." Thora said again, standing up straight and keeping her tone even. "You know exactly what I am referring to, and I want to know that you are lying. I also know that you are the one who is in the picture, the one who gave me the necklace, and Elijah's brother, apparently."

monster ⚜️ klaus mikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora