Chapter 47

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n// this is an emotional rollercoaster wow and to all those still reading and shit?? how??? im actual trash????? ur all my favs and deserve the world?????? The kindness!!!! ?

"Please call me back, love," Klaus sighed into the phone, leaving Thora yet another voicemail. "I need to know you're safe. I love you. Just... Please, Thora. Answer your phone. Answer me. I know you're upset, and I'm sorry for what I said. But I'm going out of my head here, darling. Give me anything. Just a sign that you're alright."

Klaus let everyone believe that he was out of town, but in reality, he was still there. Just... out of sight in a way. Truth be told he was staying in the only (and shittiest) motel in the whole of the town. What? He wasn't going to just leave town after what had happened with Thora. He was scared, and worried. After what she and Rebekah had confessed to him about her mental state after his apparent death, he knew she was in no place to be alone. She wasn't with Rebekah, she wasn't with Matt, nor was she in any of the other children's homes for the time being. In fact, it was like she'd left Mystic Falls as a whole.

But she was just down the hall.

After being married to someone for that long, their mindset starts to become your own. And that was apparent in Thora and Niklaus Mikaelson. They had both sought refuge in the only place in Mystic Falls that no one would ever assume they would be, seeing as under ordinary circumstances, neither of them would ever stay in a place so... shoddy.

He didn't know she was there, and she didn't know he was there. Opposite ends of the hall, same identically shitty room. 

As Thora listened to the latest of the voicemails that her husband had left her, she sighed and drank more from the bottle of wine that she'd acquired from the liquor store across the way of the building. She was tired of all the drama, and just wanted to get drunker than a sailor on holiday. She hated him for what he did and the priority he placed power and his precious little hybrids over her, but she just couldn't help her damn heart from missing the old jackass. She loved him. So as she drank and drank her sorrows away, she spent the time alone doing the things that she wanted to do. She wrote down her thoughts on some pad of paper, smoked some of the weed that one of the tenants had sold her upon checking in, walked around her small room naked, ate all the junk food she wanted, and listened to angry, in-your-face break up songs, giving her the attitude she needed so that she wouldn't break down and cry herself to sleep like she knew she would.

But as the smell of cheap wine, pot, and the thumping of some pop anthem got too much for the hybrid to handle, he grew murderous. He was trying to devise a plan to not only get his wife back (or find her, for that matter) and find a way to sire some new hybrids with what blood he had left. Now that Elena was a vampire, it wasn't going to be so easy anymore. And the incessant noise of the person down the hall wasn't helping at all.

So Klaus did what he did best. Confront the problem, and compel and/or kill it away. Stomping down the hall, the sound got louder, the stench got stronger, and now the sound of apparent dancing was there, annoying him even more. So, he knocked on the door (more or less politely), and awaited an answer.

But the person on the other side of the door was the last person on earth that he expected to see, but just the person he was looking for.


"Fuck you!"

And with that, the door was slammed in his face, leaving them both in shock.

"Thora?!" He said louder, banging on the door which he knew she was leaning on. "Thora, open up! I've been worried sick about you!"

"Really? Because you didn't seem too worried after I told you I wanted to kill myself because of you!"

"You're right, and I'm sorry. I'll never do it again."

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