Chapter 51

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n// first of all rip to my boi dean the hybrid lmao and second of all sorry for the wait and the kind of odd chapter??? idk i couldn't cut this episode because it's important af but it was so awkward to try and write with it but oh well here you go and i hope you like it!!!!!!!!!

Klaus was inside of the excavation site when he dialed Stefan Salvatore's number, just dying to tell him the bad news. It may have been bad for him as well, but he would take much pleasure in ruining the hero's day in any way possible.

"How the hell did Connor escape?" The younger vampire spoke into the phone, sounding a mix of baffled and angry.

"I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me. You're going to help me."

"Well he could be anywhere now."

"Think, Stefan." Thora spoke loudly from the other side of the cave rolling her eyes as she walked back and forth absentmindedly, looking at the greenery around them and the workers below. "He took the hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin."

"Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires."

"Which is a pity, as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood, and therefore the antidote." Klaus said, smirking a little bit as his wife examined her surroundings closely.

To anyone else, it would look as if she were a bored young woman in a place of which she had no interest, but Klaus knew better. He knew that she was going through all the knowledge she had about her surroundings and placing them together. For example, she was probably labeling the different species of wildflowers that grew around the area or scouring to see what kind of wildlife there was. Maybe she was counting the trees, or even studying the sight, reveling in all of the history and mystery that it held.

"Nevertheless," Klaus continued, looking away for a moment so he didn't get distracted by her beauty. "His tattoo is our only way to the cure, so your task is quite simple: find him, catch him, and, above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead."

"Damon's been looking everywhere for him. If they cross paths―"

"You need to keep Damon in check." Klaus growled.

"It would be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth."

"You trust Damon with the cure?" Thora laughed, turning her attention back to her husband. "I imagine that he prefers Elena the way she is, don't you think?"

Her hearing may not have been supernaturally enhanced, but her husband's phone wasn't as quiet as he thought it was.

"Nice try, Thora, but I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you and your psycho husband."

"And we trust no one." Klaus rebutted with a tight lipped smile. "Which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more will go after it. Nations have gone to war over less. You mark my words: tell one soul and I will throw the hunter's sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?"

Thora watched as Klaus hung up the phone and tucked it away in his back pocket, turning his attention back on her.

"Why are you so petty?" She giggled, walking on her tippy toes over to him, arms stretched out so that she could wrap them around his neck.

"Petty is not the word I'd use to describe myself, love." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Oh, really?"

"I prefer... manipulating."

"...You're still quite petty, I'm afraid, my angel." Thora giggled. "But I like it."

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