Chapter 38

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n// hey guys, i know i just updated but this chapter goes out to Lydiakaterina17 aka the birthday girl!! happy birthday and thank u so much for the support, also sorry that this was a bit late. i hope you enjoy this chapter and that your day was great!!! love u all, and please remember to keep voting :) <3

Thora and Klaus laid in their bed in the fanciest and most lavish hotel he could find, Klaus asleep and Thora admiring him as he did so. The pair were out of town, trying to track down Finn and Esther whilst Rebekah was no doubt fraternizing with Damon Salvatore and trying to get more information on the other White Oak Trees that were in the town. 

And with everything that the family had been through over the past few weeks, Thora was thankful for moments like the ones she was experiencing at the moment. She cherished the few hours that the gods had granted her with her husband, where everything was simple and they had slipped into their alternate reality. It was during these times were she wasn't the phoenix, she was just a woman in love. Where Klaus wasn't the almighty hybrid, just a man lying with his beloved wife.

She liked the way his blonde eyelashes fluttered over his cheekbones, and how in these hours he looked much younger. She figured it was from the relief of not having to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, but it may have just been the fact that he only displayed one emotion: content. Something that Klaus hadn't displayed since her death. So she preserved it as much as possible. She took advantage of the fact that she was wrapped up in his arms to tickle her lover's back lightly, she used their close proximity as an opportunity to hum softly, as well. And finally she used his bare chest as a pillow for her weary head to rest. She looked at their bare legs that were tangled in one another's after a night of love and passion, smiling at the thought of what she and him experienced just mere hours ago.

She did a lot of that during the wee hours in the morning. She thought about everything. The lives of those around her, the lives of those she had taken, the lives of her family, and the life of her own. Niklaus always liked to refer to her as 'the open book'. But in reality, she had as many ― if not even more ― skeletons in her closet as the next person. She was easy to read, yes, but she was anything but an open book. 

Thora also spent a lot of this time wondering where the lives of everyone would go. Who would Elena end up with? Would Rebekah ever be happy? Will Elijah ever swallow his pride? What will Matt do with his life? Would she and Niklaus ever get out of Mystic Falls? Would he ever not have an enemy after his life? What about their relationship? Was always actually forever? Would she even make it long enough to find out? She hated asking these questions, but her mind was almost constantly in overdrive. And she didn't seem to know how to slow it down. But that's what was so great about having Klaus. He did without even trying.

"Good morning, love." Klaus grumbled out, his morning voice making Thora crack a smile.

"Morning." She whispered back gracefully, her eyes blinking up at his slowly.

"How'd you sleep?"

"You always did know how to make me laugh, Niklaus."

Klaus furrowed his eyebrows at his wife, becoming more concerned about the fact that she hadn't had more than an hour or two of sleep since the night of her getting her memories back. In fact, he was more confused on why she hadn't collapsed from exhaustion, seeing as they had been through nothing but hell and drama since that night. Even he needed a little time for sleep, and he was immortal. He couldn't even begin to imagine what a human felt like.

"You need rest, Thora." He said softly, looking down at her. "It's been days. If you would just let me give you a dream, then―"

"No." The girl protested, shaking her head. "I don't want you in my head. I have to deal with this by myself."

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