42 - Search for a boyfriend

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Just one more day. I just need to steer clear of Jason for today, as tomorrow Ryan, Kristina, and Peter were flying back. Kristina, Peter, and Jason were invited to a social gathering. So there is no need to get worried too much.

The whole day Ryan and I spent binge-watching FRIENDS. He grumbled about wasting our time together watching the one show where we can recite the dialogues even in the middle of sleep.

But once it started he was the one who decided to have lunch in bed because he doesn't want to pause it. So here I'm stuck with heating the pizza for my useless best friend.

If I'm good at one thing in cooking then it's heating leftover food. Impressed by my heating skills, I placed the pizza slices on a plate.

"What are you doing?" Jason breathed out behind me with his breath fanning my neck making my nerves all jittery in a split second and as a result, the plate dropped out of my hand.

His reflexes were so quick that he caught the plate midway saving ot from breaking into million pieces but the pizza is on the floor now. I turned towards him in one swift move to see his face inches away.

"Damn Jason!! At least make a sound," I said pushing him slightly and placed my hand on my erratically beating heart. I turned to leave from there, making a mental note to apologize to Stella for the cleaning she had to do.

Jason caught hold of my arm and yanked me back to the position I was in a few seconds ago.

"What are you doing?" I huffed out. Why can't he let me avoid him in peace for a few days so that my traitorous heart and mind could get back to being sane? I'm turning pervy day by day.

"You tell me what you are doing?" He asked with a steely gaze making my heart pound faster.

"Heating the pizza duh. But thanks to you I need to order something now." I gave him the innocent look and tried to move away but soon he trapped me placing his hands on either side of me on the counter.

"So you ain't doing nothing else?"

"Did I do something that I shouldn't do?" I asked him now genuinely confused at what he was pointing at.

"So you aren't avoiding me?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Av..avoiding you?? Why... Why would I do that?" I started stuttering and I can feel the heat that rose in my cheeks. I'm sure I looked like a beetroot now.

Great going Amy. Next, find an island and spend the rest of your life with cats and be a cat woman. No, I don't like cats. Okay, I'm going to be a puppy woman.

"Why are you stammering? That should be a yes or no answer." He gave a lopsided smirk in response.


No no no I can't lose to him. He can't know what I'm thinking about. What will he think about me? What if he makes fun of me in front of everyone?? If he ever knows that I'm dreaming about kissing him then it's going to be the end of me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at an event? How come you are early? Where are Peter and Kristina?" I asked him trying to play it cool like his closeness isn't turning my feet to jelly or playing havoc in the pit of my stomach.

His eyes scanned my face for a moment then sighing he removed his hands from the counter giving me space.


"I don't like staying at these events and parties for a long time. I just attend show my face, greet few important people and leave. Mom and Dad are still there." He replied.

"Why are those events boring? You liked these gatherings back then, I still remember that annoying smirk of yours when girls used to roam around you like flies." I giggled.

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