53 - I'm sorry for leaving you

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No one came to talk with me, they gave me my space to think about what they just said. Even though it's not April fool's day I hoped they would scream happy fools day.

A maid came to call me for lunch but I told her I'm not hungry. Later Martha came with a food-filled tray to my room. But I left it untouched.

Are they serious about me getting married to Jason? But in 2weeks!! Two freaking weeks!!  What made Brown's and Kashyap's think getting me married to Jason within two weeks is the best thing to do.

I felt like pulling my hair and a knock on my door made me stop. The door opened slightly and Dia peeked her head through it.


"Don't you dare come in without answering me!" I gave her my best death glare.

She nodded her head.

"You knew about this right? That is why you are asking me all morning about my relationship with Jason."

She gave a sheepish smile and mouthed 'sorry' This idiot... I grabbed the pillows from my bed and tossed them at her one after another.

Would it kill her if she gave me a heads up?

"Will you listen to me?" She asked catching a pillow in her hand and ducked when another one went to hit her face.

I gave up attacking her, sat back on my bed with slumped shoulders. Dia sat next to me and placed her hand on mine.

"I heard my parents talking one night about you and I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop but I did it anyway. I heard them say that Jason is good and from a nice family and it isn't bad if you get married to him. Because he saved you from Sameer that day so they were like maybe your parents were right in choosing Jason for you. Trust me when I say this, I really wished I didn't hear this. God! I'm carrying this secret for so many years. I feel so light now." She rambled on.

"What do you mean by my parents chose Jason for me?" Nothing else registered in my brain except this... All the words that she spoke went above my head.

"I'm not sure about it. It's only after reaching here, mom told me about the real reason why we came to the US, your wedding with Jason, and asked me to check how you feel about Jason."

My parents fixed this wedding?


They are dead for years now!

"I need some alone time, Dia." My voice cracked.  She squeezed my hand and left the room closing the door behind her.

Nothing is making sense. How can my parents choose Jason for me? They are dead...years back...

The room which once gave comfort to me is now making me feel suffocated. I felt the walls closing on me making it hard to breathe. The air felt thick like there was no oxygen left in the room. Feeling breathless and clutching my aching heart I escaped towards the back garden.

The cold air nipped at my face, I took deep breaths to get as much oxygen as possible into my system. My body collapsed on the cold white metal swing and I held onto the swing chain for support. I sat there for an hour or two or maybe more overlooking the lavender bushes.

I was fine till yesterday. I loved my life even though I lost my parents, I have two families who treated me as their own. Friends who always had my back. And now suddenly I don't know what's happening in my life anymore.

The two families I trusted my life with decided it was best I get married in two weeks to Jason. Aren't we both supposed to be in love and sure about it before we get married?

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