27 - Madwoman and Axe murderer

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When I came out of the bathroom I saw Dia braiding her hair. She wore a simple top and jeans. She looked at me through the mirror and asked "Ready? They are waiting downstairs for us."

"Just a moment." I grabbed my denim jacket wore it over my white t-shirt and light-washed jeans.

"So what about grandma and grandpa?  Are they coming?" I asked her walking through the corridor.

"No, we will probably return at night. They can't stay the whole day out. They get tired easily."

I nodded at her understanding. Climbing down the stairs, I saw Kristina talking with grandma and Arjun sat next to her on the couch and munching a large bar of white chocolate, which I think Kristina gave to him.

Peter and Uncle Raj lost in their conversation at the dining table having their breakfast. The last time I saw those two together, they are fighting for my custody. But, strangely now they are more than comfortable with each other oblivious to their surroundings. Jason and Ryan are nowhere to be seen.

"I don't like it leaving you and your husband at home. There should be someplace where you both could accompany us?" Kristina asked Grandma looking genuinely guilty for leaving them alone at home.

"Don't be silly dear. We can plan something less strenuous for us some other day. There are so many historical places for you to look around. You will like them. So is this your first time visiting India?" Grandma asked Kristina.

"Yes. And I love it already. I heard so much about the culture and traditions from Priya. I wanted to visit India for a long time." Kristina beamed with a smile on her face.

After Ryan and Jason came downstairs, I saw 2cars waiting for us. One is Uncle Raj's Honda City and the other is Mercedes Benz.

Arjun gaped at the Benz with his mouth open. I snapped my fingers for him to close his mouth.

"I want to ride this one." He declared still gaping at the merc.

"No Arjun, We will go in our car while our guests will come in that one." Aunt Seema chided him and asked him to keep quiet.

"It's okay Seema, anyway I was thinking let the guys ride one car and we ladies can go in the other," Kristina said. She looked over at Peter and he nodded back to her.

So it's settled. We are riding in Merc with a driver. Dia took the shotgun. Aunt Seema sat between me and Kristina at the back. While Uncle Raj drove his car with Peter in the shotgun. Ryan, Jason, and Arjun sat in the back.

I got a ping on my phone and checked it's a message from Ryan. It's only been 10minutes since we started the journey, I wonder what is it about.  He created the group in WhatsApp with the title "Boredom at Peaks" and added me and Dia.

*I'm bored*

I giggled at his antics. He is such a baby sometimes.

*Why so?*

I texted him back. I looked at Dia who sat in front of me, she is busy looking out of the window and didn't check her phone.

*Dad is busy talking with your Uncle about the stock market, world politics, war, terrorism, and whatnot.*

*what about Jason? I think you both bonded well. Even shared a room the past 10days.*

*he is busy with his mobile and headphones and if you call it bonding then you don't know us Brown brothers very well.*

*don't be silly. You have Arjun for passing time.*

*Whenever he opens his mouth, his dad chides him to be quiet and not disturb. So the boy looks at me every 5minutes and mumbles 'I want to go to Mum' with a puppy face*

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