95 - Zack is back.

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Okay I was just joking about the end in the previous chapter.🙈😂

After 3years

"Mam, this is what you've finalized. If you want to change the whole aesthetic of your restaurant when the work is almost 75% done then it will lead to additional costs." Mandy explained to her client.

"No, why would I pay for the additional cost? Your job is to finish the interior of my restaurant within the due time and within the pre-decided cost. Is this how you rip off your customers. I will sue you and your company, remember, my brother is one of the top shot lawyers. I shouldn't have come to this place where the Ceo is just a college graduate with no experience.." The lady shook her head at me.

"We can do only the minor changes but here you are asking us to change the complete interior," I told her calmly.

But inside I was fuming and I want to smash her head on my table. Just because the CEO and her team are just out of college doesn't mean you can push them around.

"I will give you the worst possible review and upload the whole story in my YouTube channel, it will go viral and you will lose all your customers. I will make sure that you will be bankrupt by the end of this month."

"This project will no longer be handled under Mandisa, we are sorry for the inconvenience. I will revert it to our specialist team if you are okay with it." I asked the client.

"Whatever" She shrugged her shoulders at me with a smirk playing on her lips.

"Mandisa, transfer Mrs.Silva's project to Reeva's team."

Mandy gave a knowing smile and covered it up quickly before Mrs.Silva could see it.

"I will escort you to the other team." Mandy's teammate said.

Once Mrs.Silva left the conference room, Mandy burst out laughing. "I feel bad for her."

"She needs to know that she can't push us around just because we are new to handling the business. Reeva will deal with her."

"That she sure will do" Mandy laughed stretching back on her chair.

"Aren't you getting late for your brunch date?" she asked checking her wristwatch.

"Oh shit, I forgot about it. How do I look? Okay?" I asked brushing my curls with my fingers.

"You look great. Anyway, what is the occasion?" 

"I just don't know. My life would be a lot easier if I know what is going on in his brain." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, maybe he wants to surprise you." Mandy laughed at me.

My secretary knocked on the door and then peeped her head in. "Mam, sir is here to see you."

"I better get going. See you later."


"Jason, where are we going?" I asked him impatiently for the nth time.

"Do you trust me? Then sit quietly and wait till we reach. I will explain everything to you after reaching." He said, his posture is so stiff.

"What did you do? Did you kill someone?"

"Wow, you have high expectations of me, but no kitty, I didn't kill anyone." Jason chuckled at me.

"Sir, we've reached." The driver.

Avenue Design

"Babe?" I said confused.

"I know, I will explain everything later. I thought to tell you in the morning but you had to rush because of your client."

"What are we doing here? I'm not walking in if you don't tell me what's going on."

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