87 - Do you have a death wish?

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At night I received a call from Reeva and Mandy checking how I was doing.

"Seriously guys. I'm fine."

"You are coming to college tomorrow?" Mandy asked me.

"Yes. We will talk tomorrow?" I asked tired

"Yes, sure."

After I cut the call I saw messages from Paige and Cynthia and few others. I don't have the energy to deal with their assumptions here.


"Are you sure you want to go to college today? Are you okay facing him? You could take a day off, you know? You still look pale." Jason's voice boomed through my ears, while I sat playing around with my fruit loops.

"I already missed so many classes. I don't want to miss them more because of Zack." I replied.

"Call me if anything happens. You know I'm just a call away."

"Okay" I smiled at him.


I walked into my class and to my relief, Zack isn't there at our usual seats. Kevin is talking with the girls with a serious face.


"Amy, you came!" Reeva looked surprised.

Yes, I came because I chose not to give Zack control over my life.

"Amy, I'm sorry for the way he acted out yesterday," Kevin said guiltily.

"There is no need for you to apologize, Kevin. This ain't your fault."

"I should've said sooner but I didn't because I want to try talking some sense into him. He quit the job because his father is supporting him again financially. He even got a car and driver. He met with his father a few times last week." Kevin said dejectedly.

"It's okay, Kevin. He made his decision. I just hope the day he gets to see the difference between right and wrong soon." I told.

"We got into a fight last night. He packed his bags and left." Kevin said dejectedly.

"He did what?". Reeva asked in a shrill voice.

That was a shocker. No matter what Zack thought about any of us, Kevin is his best friend since they were little kids. Whatever little hope I had for him was slowly dwindling with his actions.

And there he was at the door. Without a glance, he walked to the last aisle on the other end of the giant classroom.

I was nervous the whole time thinking about how to face him and his action made me breathe in relief. But it was again short-lived when he started calling out my name and following me to the parking.

"What do you want, Zack?" I yelled at him, stopping in my tracks but refused to face him.

"I said I need you." He grabbed my upper arm and turned me towards him roughly.

"Leave my hand this second or else I won't think twice before breaking your teeth." I gritted through my teeth.

"You want to fight? Do you think you can win?" A sinister smile slowly spread on his face giving me creeps.

I yanked my arm from his grip and dashed to my car. I sat pressing my head, a nasty headache on the way. Is this how my future days are going to be?


As soon as I reached home, I took a shower to clear my mind and laid down on my bed to take a nap. A call on my phone made me frown.

Nyla, asking me if I was free on the weekend to go bridesmaid dress shopping. Maybe it will give me the much-needed distraction.

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