17 - He is pure Devil Reincarnation

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By the time we reached Delhi, India it's almost 2 in the morning. We walked out of the airport and saw my Uncle Raj waiting for us at the Arrival Gate.

He gave a warm smile to me and nodded at the guys.

We walked towards the car. I and Ryan followed my Uncle and Jason who carried all the luggage.

"He scares me," Ryan whispers and I giggled at him. I can understand how he feels. I noticed the disapproving looks my uncle gave me whenever I'm near Jason or Ryan be it talking or fighting during his stay with us.

It's an hour drive from the airport. The house is lit up with lights and a big rangoli at the front. Grandma stood by the door with an aarti in hand. ( a small flame lit by using camphor in a plate, people usually move it 3times clockwise and then anti-clockwise) she puts kumkum(sacred powder) on my forehead and then on Jason and Ryan's forehead.

As I stepped into the house, she gave the plate to a male maid, she hugs me right away and started sobbing remembering Mama which brought tears to my eyes.

"Stop crying Lakshmi, the kid just arrived and you are already making her cry." Grandpa chided grandma.

Grandma pulled away and then I noticed how old and fragile she looked. I can't help but wipe her tears and give her a kiss on the cheek which in return made her smile.

Grandpa looked jolly, he joked around about changing grandma because this one always cries and makes everyone emotional. He tried to lighten the mood with his jokes. He was so cute.

I never spent time with my paternal grandparents as they both are dead. I always felt jealous of the brown brothers whenever their Grandpa visited.

Next, I'm in a bone-crushing hug from Dia. "Thank you for bringing him." She whispered in my ear so that no one can hear. I put a fake angry face at her but laughed immediately. "He is all yours," I whispered back winking at her.

"This is Jason, Peter, and Kristina's elder son and this is Ryan their second son and my best friend." Saying I side hugged Ryan in front of them and grinned like a fool.

I noticed all their expressions change a little and Dia tries to convey something to me using her eyes which I can't understand. I gave her a questioning look but she just shakes her head in denial while mouthing 'hopeless' to me.

Aunt Seema asked me how I was doing. Arjun Dia's younger brother keeps asking for the chocolates that I promised him and only sat down quietly after Ryan opened the bag with gifts and gave him his chocolates along with all the other gifts which included a bracelet for Seema aunty, a dress for Dia, and action figures for Arjun, couples jackets for my grandparents and cologne set for Uncle.

"Why did you get so many gifts again Amelia? You shouldn't waste money. You already sent a lot with Raj." grandpa said giving me a disapproving look.

"Oh no, I didn't. Kristina picked out all these gifts. She wanted to give these herself but she couldn't be here at this time. Maybe they can manage to come for a week if the issue with shareholders settles down." I told him

"No, we can't accept all these costly gifts from them," Grandma said with a worried face.

"Mom wanted to give them to you. Please don't deny it. She would feel very happy if you accept these." Jason spoke surprising everyone.

Okay not everyone but he surprised me... So he can speak in the sugar-coated way.

"We shouldn't say no when they are giving with so much love. It may hurt their feelings," saying Aunt Seema took all the gifts inside.

"Let's go inside, I want to show you my room. You will be sharing a room with me if you are okay with it? Or else I could shift to Arjun's room." Dia asked me in doubt.

"No, I'm totally fine," I said to her.

The male servant Ramu, kept the bags in our respective rooms. I can't help but laugh looking at Ryan's face when he came to know that he is sharing a room with Jason. The guest room opposite Dia's is given to Jason and Ryan.

"I don't want to share a room with Jason. " Ryan says in a hushed tone while walking behind me on the stair.

"I think this is a wonderful opportunity to bond with your brother. Don't you think so?" I asked him laughing wickedly at him.

If I know one thing about this set of brothers, then it's how they avoid each other. They never spend time together not even fighting like me and Jason.


I changed to my comfortable tank top and shorts before getting into bed. We are sharing a king-size bed which is big enough for both of us.

I can't sleep because of jet lag and Dia is too thrilled to have me in her room, I'm shocked to know she never had any sleepovers with her friends. A few of her friends visited her home daytime but never for sleepovers and she never went to any of her friend's places.

She is shocked to hear that I spent all my life with Ryan and Sophie, mostly Ryan he is like a twin to me always stuck together.

We kept talking till the sun came up and then finished our morning duties and walked down to see Ryan sitting and laughing with my grandparents, while Jason busy with his cellphone.

Grandpa asked me if we want to go sightseeing but I said maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow as I feel tired today. I want to spend time with them at home. The day passed by chatting with everyone. Uncle went for some meetings and Aunt Seema spends most of her time in the kitchen or her room.

Kristina messaged me if I'm free to call. I called her back instead of messaging.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you? How is the bonding going?" She asked me.

"Hey Kristina, I'm good and how are you? I'm having a good time here."

"How are the boys behaving? I hope Jason is not troubling you? Is he rude to them?" She asked worriedly.

"No, he is not troubling me because he is avoiding me now. I don't know for whatever goddamn reason. And you know what people are already in love with Ryan, he is already the favourite Brown and Jason is surprisingly quiet doing his own business in his room."

"Hahaha, I hope they will be the same without causing any trouble."

Aunt Seema came to me and asked me to give her my phone as she wants to talk to Kristina.

She thanked her for the gifts and asks her to fly here as soon as possible to spend time with us.

After talking with Kristina for a while I got back to the others. I am playing a monopoly with Ryan, Dia, and Arjun. The day passed fast with Jason stepping out of his room only twice for lunch and dinner.

"Jason, please stay and play games with the others. Don't feel shy you can be free with us, feel like home." Aunt Seema asked him after lunch.

"No, actually I have an assignment to finish. I will join later." Jason escaped back to his room.

My grandparents and Aunt already got the impression that Jason is polite, shy studious, and reserved, but in reality, he is anything but those, he is bratty, careless, insane, and pure DEVIL reincarnation.


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That's another brand new chapter where nothing major happened.
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