34 - Crazy Drunken Ass

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"Let's go shopppppiinnnngggg." Reeva sputtered sitting cross-legged on the floor and placing all the beer cans on top of one another. She is trying to build her own Eiffel Tower but I think she made a Leaning Tower of Pisa oops now it's a Fallen Tower of Pisa.

"We can do online shopping. I'm ordering a potato peeler. It's so sharp...so sharp that it can peel your hands." Mandy said in a monotone voice, with her head hanging upside down from the couch, her legs raised over the couch, and holding her mobile in her hands, it fell on her face and she yelled at the poor phone.

"Stay in your place you fucking piece of shit!"

I want to eat a potato. I miss my potatoes. I want to eat chips, fries, and mashed potatoes for the rest of my life. Potatoes are love. They are a lot of carbs but there's no other veggie as tasty as a potato.

"I want a potato," I wailed.

Somehow I and my drunk friends decided to go to the mall to shop and then have potatoes and do some shopping. It seems so much fun!

"Potatoes first," I shouted at Reeva

"No shopping" she argued back.

"The cab is here," Mandisa yelled at us winning our attention. We both followed Mandy like ducklings following the mother duck.

The cold air hit my body shivering when I stepped out of the building. I looked at myself to see I'm dressed in my full-sleeved T-shirt and jeans without my coat on. I looked at the other two dressed warmly in their jackets.

I clung to my two drunken friends taking their warmth.

We hopped into the taxi. It's warm inside the taxi. I don't need a jacket now.


"Two little ducks went swimming one day. Over the hill and far away" I started singing at the top of my voice.

"It's five little ducks silly." Reeva opposed.

"We are 2 members, not 5" I disagreed.

"We are three, not 2. See 1 2 3" Reeva said counting us.

"No, Mandy is the mother duck who says quack-quack and we go running back to her." A silly giggle left my lips.

I received a blow on my stomach from Mandy. It hurt so much, now that the mother duck is hitting me I didn't like her much.

"I hate this mother duck. I wanna go to father duck." I cried out.

I heard someone laughing out loud. Did I summon the spirit of a Father Duck with my song? Nah, it's just the cab driver laughing at me.

I don't know how and why but Reeva and I ended up calling the cab driver our father duck. Father duck is sweet, unlike Mother duck who lay unconscious between me and Reeva.

"You kids are pretty wasted. You sure you want to go to the mall? I can drop you back to the same apartment." Father Duck said.

"Please Father Duck, I want to go shopping." Reeva groaned.

Somehow we went inside the mall dragging half-conscious Mandy to the escalator. We stood on the escalator but the shit thing is not moving. Reeva started stomping her feet asking it to move.

"Excuse me miss. This escalator is broken. You can climb the treads or go take another one." A security guard said. He looked dangerous, big bulky and bald head and a serious box-faced face.

He looked like Thanos, creepy!

The escalator is broken. How am I going to eat...what did I want to eat? I tried racking my brain but I can't remember what I'm craving.

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