56 - Do you mind if I kiss you?

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The wedding planner hired by Kristina came to my rescue. She took note of my lack of interest and tried to ask me only about important things.

She used to message me asking for my opinion and I would reply to her. She balanced with Kristina's overexcitement and my aloofness quite well.

I tried spending time with my friends and family trying not to show my nervousness. Everyone seemed quite happy and excited about the wedding except me. Sophie and Ryan understood me but then again they both said I would be fine.

Am I fine?

Uncle Raj informed the relatives in India, and around 20-25 close family members are coming to the wedding. And a bigger reception will be conducted when I visit India with Jason.

As if that's ever going to happen, he never visited India other than the first time. Ryan came every single time with me. Sophie also visited during the summer after freshman year. Kristina and Peter too visited twice but Jason not even once. I'm sure it's not going to change now.

I sat on the picnic blanket playing monopoly with Ryan, Dia, and Arjun. The elders sat at the garden tea table sipping tea and sharing few stories. The planner called me to check the status of my dress. I excused my friends to take the call.

"I should go tomorrow to check the fittings," I replied to her walking in the garden.

"What about Mr. Brown's suit?"

"What about it?"

"Please check with him if he got a suit." She requested.

I agreed again because I'm the bride, his fiance...


It's been 4days since I spoke to Jason to ask about his ring size. I went towards my favorite part of the garden and dropped on the swing. The weather is wonderfully warm. I removed my sandals and sat cross-legged on the swing dialing Jason's number.

"Yes?" He asked wearily.

"Jason, it's me" I replied understanding that he accepted the call without checking the caller id.

"What now?" He snapped irritated.

I stayed silent, if it is old me I would have shouted back but I don't know if we still have the same dynamic. I know that he is busy too dealing with legal formalities about the accident at the construction site.

"I'm busy... if you don't have anything to say" saying he cut the call.

I sat in the swing blocking the sadness. I sat in the same spot admiring the flowers, I only need happy thoughts. I will deal with the Devil when he will call me back. For all, I care he can wear some old suit of his to the wedding.

The sun began to set, painting the sky into a colorful canvas. Ryan came and sat beside me on the swing.

"What are you doing here alone?" He asked me.


"It's been more than an hour."

"I lost track of time." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Come on, tell me" he nudged my shoulder with his.

"Nothing your brother is being a douche again. Just make sure to remind him to get a suit for the wedding, because I'm not going to do it "

"Lovers spat?" Ryan wriggled his brows playfully.

"Just shut up, Ryan."

"I will talk with him. Don't worry. Anyway, can we go to the beach house next week and hold a party?"

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