7 - Need my Punching Bag

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Jason's POV

I walked into the house around midnight. I saw my parents sitting in the living room. Mom with tears in her eyes and Dad with slumped shoulders. I can guess what they are talking about.

Everyone is shit worried about Amy. She is not talking with anyone, always sitting alone in her room lost in her thoughts. I went and sat with them.

"I spoke with Amy's doctor, she might need psychiatric counseling. She is barely talking. I have booked an appointment for tomorrow. It's been 2weeks since she came back from the hospital." said my mom.

"I don't know what to do, I promised Rob on his death bed that I would always protect Amy and look after her as if my own, but the way she is dealing with her parent's death, I'm worried about her. She looks pale and looks like she even lost weight" Dad replied in a thick voice.

It's not easy to deal with the death of your best friend who is always next to you since childhood.

My parents are worried about Amy. Even I'm worried about her. What can I do to make her normal?

"Mom, I will come with you tomorrow. I could help you in taking her for the doctor's appointment."  This is the least I can do, my heart aches to see Amy like that.

The Amy I know was bright, bubbly, and ambitious. She had dreams and wants. Her smile would brighten up the whole room.

But after the fateful day, Smiles ceased to happen, or if they did, they looked so dead. There wasn't any shine in her eyes when she smiled. It was as if she was always somewhere else... stuck in an abyss.

She didn't talk much anymore. She gradually became more reserved, distancing herself from others. Her body radiated the exact opposite of confidence in its aura.

She preferred to be alone, isolating herself in her room. She didn't talk to Ryan or Sophie like before. She didn't want anything anymore. The shine in her eyes never returned.

All my life I wanted to make her sad, tried to irritate her, make her cry, wipe that smile off her face. I remember making her cry her guts out when I doodled the faces on her signed One Direction poster.

When she is reading a good book, I used to sneak in without her noticing and tear the last chapters. I loved to prank her. I don't know how many times I pushed her or pulled her hair or how many times she was rushed to the ER because of me.

I always felt happy wiping that smile off her face, teasing her, irritating her but now when I look at her blank face, empty smiles I feel a tug at my heart. It was painful to see her detached from the world.

I know it's not easy to cope with the fact that you lost your parents and became an orphan at 14. I would try my best to bring back the old Amy.

The next day, Amy got ready for the doctor's appointment. But once reaching the car, she seemed reluctant to get into the car. I noticed pain and fear in her eyes.

Her body started shaking and her breathing hitched and she started sweating profusely. She is getting anxious. I immediately went holding her by her shoulders.

"You have to get in Amy, don't worry I'm with you."

"Please Jason I don't want to." She begged me holding my t-shirt in her small fists.

I sighed looking at her and pulled her into a hug. She looked so fragile and weak. I don't want to add more stress to her by forcing her into the car.

"Mom, call the doctor home."

I looked back at the trembling girl in my arms and walked back inside to her room as mom tried placing a call to the doctor.

Once in her room, I placed her in the center of the bed. I can see the tears forming in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall and her lips trembled as she tried to stop crying by biting on her lips, but a small whimper escaped her lips.

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