92 - All the Single Ladies

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We are at a farm, hosting Nyla's bridal shower. A rustic farm-themed evening. Fresh fruits and vegetables in linen baskets. The table is adorned with teal linens and white dishes. Artichokes are placed in mason jars as centerpieces. Chalkboard menu and colorful flowers in vases.

I was checking the decorations when Tracy dropped a bomb on me.

"I hired strippers. Don't tell Nyla, it's a surprise for her."

"You didn't!" I whisper yelled, horrified.

"I did. Isn't it fun? Why should boys have all the fun? I'm sure the boys had strippers too." Tracy wheezed, with a glint in her eyes. This girl is gone insane.

"Tracy, you do realize that Nyla's mom, aunts, and even her grandma are going to be here, right?"

"Amy, chill, it's nothing they haven't seen before," Tracy laughed maniacally.

"Heck, Tracy, this is a bridal shower, not a bachelorette party. Nyla asked for a simple evening with family and friends."

"Don't be the party pooper, Amy. Let's give that girl some last bit of fun in life." she laughed her head off.

"What are you both doing here? Guests are arriving. Tracy, where are the cupcakes? They aren't delivered yet" Kayla sneaked upon us from behind.

"Tracy hired strippers." I deadpanned turning to face Kayla

"You did not!!" Kayla's eyes turned to the size of saucers.

"Yes, she did" I shook my head in disappointment scowling at Tracy.

"Wow, are they going to be completely naked? Are they hot?" Kayla's excited voice almost buried me 6ft under.

"You both are insane."

Once all the guests arrived, everyone showered their gifts to Nyla. Scattered around the barn tasting the food and enjoying the evening.

"They are here" Tracy squealed beside me in excitement.

The door opened and there stood five 6foot hunks in boot-cut denim jeans, cowboy hats, and cowboy boots. One of them had a guitar up covering his abs, other than him the rest are half-naked.

"They are hot" I sighed looking at their abs.

"You are married to my best friend." Tracy pointed out, narrowing her eyes at me.

"It doesn't hurt to look" I winked at her.

"I heard there are some naughty women out here." One of the strippers teased.

Loud cheering and howls erupted from all the ladies. With Sugar by Maroon5 playing in the background. We started gulping our drinks and dancing like crazy to the beat.

To my astonishment, even Nyla's grandma, who needed a walking stick to walk is now dancing, maybe this idea isn't too bad.


Strip that down by Liam Payne is playing, I was already half out of my senses. How alcoholic drinks and a few strippers turned a simple classy evening turned wild is out of my mind.

Nyla is playing body shots off a stripper. Tracy is dancing with one. I mean I was too till a minute ago but now my head is rotating and I feel like I'm going to puke.

"Nyla, it's enough fun you had till now, don't forget you are getting married tomorrow this time." Her mom reprimanded her.

Nyla may took Tracy's fun meaning to next level, she started giving the stripper who is now in his underpants a lap dance.

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