84 - A little glimmer of hope

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I'm lying on the bed on my stomach and finishing my assignment with soft music playing in earphones in my ears. Someone shook me by my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kristina.

"Hey" I greeted removing the AirPods and sat straight.

"Are you and Jason okay?" She asked me cautiously. Her eyes shot nervous glances at me.

I stayed silent. He left without talking to me in the morning. But Kristina needn't know that... So I lied.

"Yes, we apologized to each other," I told her.

"Oh, I thought to talk to him, to say that I brought the topic up despite you telling me to leave it alone. That I'm the one at fault."

"No need Kristina. We are fine." I told her with a small smile.

"We are leaving tomorrow early in the morning. Peter thinks it is best to leave you two alone and that you two will sort it out on your own. And he is needed back in LA office too."

"I will miss you," I told her with my eyes downcast and a heavyweight pulling my heart down. This house will get lonely again especially if Jason and I aren't on speaking terms.

"Oh, Amy" Kristina pulled me for a hug. "You know you can call me Mom if you are comfortable or continue calling me Kristina too. I don't care what Jason says. I'm your mom as much as I am his. I have never differentiated between you three."

"I know." I choked on my tears.

Kristina pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears. "Call me anytime and I have my spy here. Stella will keep updating me so you both better don't fight." Kristina joked.

"I know." I smiled through my tears.

"What's going on here?" Jason voice startled me.

I turned to the door and saw Jason at the door with a frown on his face. His coat wrapped around his arm and he looked worn out with that wrinkled shirt and disheveled hair.

"We are leaving tomorrow morning. So she is upset about that." Kristina told him standing.

I looked at Jason with tear-filled eyes. His frown deepened looking at me. I don't want to fight with him but I don't know where to start.

"I have to go and pack." Saying Kristina walked out.

Jason without a word walked into the ensuite. Once he is back in a fresh pair of t-shirt and sweatpants. I looked at him expectantly.

"I..umm... I'm going to London for a few days. I'm bidding a tender for a project there. I have work regarding that. I'll be in the study." He said looking out the window into the vast planes surrounding our house without emotion and walked towards the door.

"Why? Why London?" I asked him in a low voice.

He stopped in his tracks at the door and replied, "Business Expansion."


He left without hearing me out. I was left alone in the room once again with my unasked questions. It doesn't take a minute to go barge into the study and ask Jason what is the exact relation between us.

But what if the answer isn't something I'm not ready to hear. I chickened away thinking about the probability.


Coming back to an empty house after college helped me gather my thoughts. I will somehow try to talk to Jason tonight when he comes home. Clear out the confusion that I never doubted him.

I will ask Stella to prepare his favorite for dinner. We will be back to whatever normal we were before... A little glimmer of hope filled my chest.

My resolve crumbled down when Stella told me that Jason went on a trip in the afternoon before she left and just like that the looming grey cloud was back on my head.

He Stole My Heart ✅ On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara