71 - Coldness took over me

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I dropped my phone from my hand reading the heading of the article. No, no, no this can't be true! My hands shook while I tried to grab my phone which slid under the seat in front of me.

"Are you okay, dear?" Logan asked me through the rearview mirror. His wrinkled eyes looked at me in worry.

"Ye..yeah" I took my phone back and read the heading again.

New York's most eligible bachelor and Ceo of Elite Constructions Jason Brown isn't single.

Yes ladies you read it right.
A few days back Jason Brown is spotted at the airport with a wedding band around his finger.
And New York Tabloids won't bring you any news that ain't true.

After digging for a week, we came to know from a trusted source that Mr.Brown got married to his childhood sweetheart a month back at his home city, Los Angeles in a vineyard wedding.

The identity of Mrs.Brown is kept in dark.
Anyway, we hope we get to see them together soon.

Hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brown from New York Tabloids.

A giant picture of Jason from the airport is displayed and besides that, his hand is zoomed in to show the wedding band.

What if people dig into it more and get to me. I don't wanna be stalked all the time. I want to live my quiet life.
What is going to happen now?

What good is going to come if anyone ever knows I'm married to Jason. Yeah except for maybe people in the office respecting me. But I highly doubt that.

"AMELIA" Logan's loud voice startled me.


"We've reached. Are you okay? I'm calling you for quite some time." Logan asked me with concern lacing his voice.

"I'm...I'm okay,'' I told him. I saw we are in the underground parking lot of our building.

Shall I go to the office or skip it and go home?

What am I going to reply Reeva? I wanted to tell them about my marriage on my own, not like this. Okay, I did a mistake hiding it till now. But I never had the guts to drop the bomb on them.

How would I say it to them?

Hey guys, guess what I'm married to Jason now, and sorry I didn't invite you to the wedding or even told you about it, yeah that's because I'm a shitty friend.

A knock on my window made me jump in my seat. Gosh, I'm so nervous today. I sighed in relief spotting Zack.

"Are you coming?"

I rolled my window down. I don't have the confidence to show people my face. I'm not ready. All of this is going too fast.

"I'm going back home, Zack," I muttered gripping the phone tight in my hands.

He opened my car door and forcibly pulled me out. "Don't be a chicken. I will be there with you. If anyone talks too much, we will complain to HR? We have Peter Brown on your side. Why are you worried to face them? Come on Amy."

How can I say it to him? That I'm not worried to face the others in the office but I'm scared to face him now. I can't lose my friends. I feel so shitty right now for hiding my wedding.

"You don't understand it," I told as tears started stinging at the corner of my eyes, I tried explaining it to him but he never listened to me and instead pulled me into the office.

He Stole My Heart ✅ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora