20 - Twisted in my own way

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"Amy wake up" Dia jabbed me.

"Let me sleep for some more time." I groaned in my sleep.

"We have reached home. Let's go to the room and you can sleep all you want."

"Shhh go away" why are they hell-bent on waking me. I'm having the best sleep of my life.

"You are all over Jason and hugging him Amy. Do you want me to click pictures? You both make quite a sight. Mom would be thrilled to see it." I heard Ryan's voice.

That was enough for me to wake up from my sleep. I'm leaning over Jason's shoulder hugging him and gripping his graphic tee with my hands. And his tee wet with my drool. I jerked back to create some space between us and tried to wipe the drool from his tee.

Dia and Ryan are standing by the car door and giggling at us. Jason is not even looking at me. He is looking out the window with his cheeks colored, is he angry or embarrassed? I can't make it out.

Jason walked into the house first with few shopping bags in hand. Ryan and Dia continued to give me amused looks. I ignored them and turned over to Sameer.

"It was so nice meeting you Sameer. Hope we meet again." I told him smiling.

"Oh sure, do plan something so that I can meet you again."

"Hahaha sure. We will plan another one but not to rushy markets." I told him with a wink.

I walked back to the living room to see Grandma and Grandpa with worried expressions and Jason standing before them awkwardly shuffling in his feet.

"Dia, what happened to Jason's hand. Why is he hurt? Is anyone else hurt??" grandma asked anxiously.

"What happened? Who is hurt?" Aunt Seema also came out of the kitchen with a worried face.

"No we all are fine grandma." Said Dia. Grandma looked over at me and Ryan but we just didn't know what to tell her. Dia already told us, to keep this a secret because they would worry unnecessarily.

"Jason, How did you get hurt ?" This time grandpa asked.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Jason fumbled.  Sameer walks with the remaining shopping backs from the car's booty.

"Sameer, no one is answering us. What happened? why is Jason hurt?" Grandpa asked  Sameer with a commanding voice.

"Nothing grandpa, some guys at the.."

"Some guys passed comments on my hair because it's blonde and I got angry, so I got into a fight with them." Jason cut Sameer before he spoke too much.

Why is he lying? And he is a terrible liar. Who would buy that!! Importantly why is he showing like the whole thing is his mistake,  which was not by the way? Maybe partly his mistake to beat the boy to a pulp. But he didn't start it.

"Uh okay. You can go and take a rest. I think everyone is tired." Grandpa said easing the tension.

"What was that?" Dia asked me as we walked into our room.


"Jason taking the whole blame on himself!!!"

"Yeah I know, I think that's because he doesn't want grandpa and grandma to worry. And the reason he gave is so lame." I giggled.

"Okay but what he just told could damage his image in their eyes you know that right? They wouldn't like someone who gets into fights unnecessarily." She pointed out.

"Then I will tell them the truth," I told her. It's simple.

"Now what was that in the car?" She asked again. This girl has so many questions to ask.

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