4 - Need to Set a Score

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Books and papers are scattered all around. Ryan is reading a book. Sophie is using her lappy. While I'm writing, striking, and pulling my hair out.

We got an English assignment to submit. As Mr.Grant is very strict it is very difficult to please him. So we decided to meet at Ryan's place finish it and proofread each other's work

After 4hours, we finished our assignment with tons of proofreading and editing. We just stayed content that the work is done.

"I'm hungry," Sophie said breaking the silence.

"Let me go and grab some snacks from the kitchen," Ryan replied standing up and stretching his body and went out of the room

"Wait, Let me come with you, you might need some help" Sophie shouted and dashed after Ryan.

Feeling sleepy, I just stretched my legs on the carpet, sitting with my back in support of the bed, I placed my head on the mattress and closed my eyes, and within no time sleep overwhelmed me.

I woke up hearing laughter and saw Ryan and Sophie watching some stand-up comedy. I checked the time. I'm asleep only for 30minutes but the short nap is pure bliss.

"Where's the food guys? I'm famished."

"At last the princess is up," Ryan remarked without taking his eyes off the laptop.

"We got some cookies and milkshakes, but as you are fast asleep, we decided to let you sleep. Ryan decided to finish your milkshake too. Do you want me to go and get you another one?" Sophie asked me while handing me the cookies. I told her to not bother.

After a few minutes of chatting, Sophie collected her books and papers and left for her home as it was nearing her curfew.

I went downstairs to meet Kristina.
"Amy, I was just thinking to come upstairs and meet you, Are you free this Sunday? There is a new shopping plaza which opened nearby, we could go shopping. Priya, you and me. Are you free dear?" asked Kristina looking excited as always in her favorite Prada dress.

"Yes, that's gonna be so much fun, It's been so long since we three went out" I replied happily.

I love spending time with Kristina. She is like a mother figure to me.

"Okay, I will call Priya and ask her if she has any plans for that day." Kristina walked away delighted to call my mama.

"Hey Amy, your assignment looks good, but I wonder what Mr. Grant says if you can't submit it tomorrow," Jason said entering the giant living room.

"Where did you get my assignment? And what did you do?"

I didn't wait for his reply and ran back to Ryan's room and noticed that the assignment that I left on the carpet where I sat before was missing.

Oh no!! I'm going to be dead. I hate Jason. He is hell-bent on making my life miserable. Knowing him maybe my assignment is burning in the fireplace.

I ran back to Jason. "You idiot, give me my assignment if you don't want me to post your childhood nude pic, crying your eyes out circling among the students.''

"I dare you to do so, if you post it you can say goodbye to your hair, you can't forget what happened?" He gave a smug smile.

And I shuddered at the memory, this moronic idiot decided to cut my pigtails when I'm fast asleep just to make me cry. Trust me when I say he is an asshole.

"I'm going to kill you today, mark my words." My anger and irritation are raising beyond my capability.

He just lay there on the couch whistling some stupid tune.

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