51 - We need to leave

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After 20minutes of cat and mouse chase across the living room, backyard, and around the swimming pool to catch Jason I didn't succeed, trust me I tried... but his long legs making it difficult for me.

I acted as my ankle sprained and bent down and cried out in pain holding my perfectly fine ankle, within seconds the pair of green eyes and disheveled dirty blonde hair crouched beside me checking my ankle with concern written all over his face.

At the exact moment, I tried to jump on his back and lock his neck in a death choke. My jump startled him and he plummeted face-first on the floor with me sitting on his back. I think I heard the sound of something crackling and Jason grunted in pain.

Hope I didn't break his bones.

I loosened my hold on his neck and he used that exact split second to roll over, making me fall on the floor next to him. A shiver ran up my spine when the cold grass came in contact with my bareback.

"That's a very cheap trick." He chuckled pointing his chin to my ankle, suddenly he got on top of me without his body touching mine as he propped himself, on his hands.

"Well, I got to do that because you are a freaking giraffe and I'm a normal-sized human."

"Agree that you are short."

"I'm 5'7 I'm not short. You are a freaking pole." I told him throwing a punch on his bicep receiving an 'Ouch' from him.

He rolled back onto the grass beside me, facing the night sky.

"We need to set some ground rules for violence. You are turning more destructive day by day. " he chuckled looking at the broken wooden patio chair which I tried to throw at his head to kill him. My bad it missed his head and is now broken.

I shivered as the cool breeze touched my already wet dress, thanks to the moron beside me.

"Can we call it a truce? I will prepare your favorite hot chocolate by the time you change into some warm clothes." Jason suggested standing to his feet and giving me a hand.

As much as I love to take the war to next level. I'm too tired and cold to decline such an offer. As promised, by the time I came to the living room he was ready with two steaming cups of hot chocolate.

"I hate you so damn much," I grumbled into my mug filled with hot chocolate topped with whipped cream.

"You love me too much to hate me." Jason chuckled beside me.

Heat rushed to my cheeks at his comment and I desperately wished he thought the cold weather is the culprit. Too flushed to retort back I tried to hide my flushed face in the cup.

"I don't like it when you hang out with that friend of yours." Jason broke the awkward silence.

I looked at him in surprise, "who? Zack?"

"Can you see someone else who makes me mad?" He cocked his eyebrow at me.

"I just saw you look at Alex like you would kill him with your bare hands." I gave him my sweet innocent smile and for the first time in history, Jason Brown averted his gaze from my face in embarrassment.

"He is an eyesore. Don't get me to think the way his hands roamed on your back. How do you manage to attract all douchebags?" He looked irritated.

"First, Zack is not a douche. He is my friend. But yeah Alex is a class A douche. Second, I don't know from where I possess this weird magnet power to attract all Jerks... I mean come on, I am stuck living with you for the next three and half years. Third, Are you jealous??" I smirked at him.

If the tip of his ears and his neck turned pink then is he blushing? Or Angry? Or embarrassed?

"You are not that special to me kitty." He managed to sound normal. "Seriously, I don't like that Zack guy. I don't believe he befriended you with his best intentions." Jason turned all serious.

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