44 - You are so dead

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So I'm strapped to my seat. Jason sat next to me. Tracy sat before me with Nyla. Caleb sat with another guy who is his cuz. And Leo sat with a short, cute girl with nerd glasses at the back and doing what? Palm reading?

"Good evening everyone. This is your captain Rowan. I would like to welcome everyone aboard. We would be reaching our destination Curacao around 2:30 am. " I heard the pilot.

I looked at Jason in surprise. He was already staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

His ego is big enough and I don't want to fuel it by saying 'Thank you for bringing me blah and blah'... So I leaned back in my seat with my hands in my lap and my eyes closed.

The plane is taking off now and I don't like the sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. No matter how many times I fly I can never get used to this feeling.

Jason's warm hand gripped my cold one. "One more minute. Take a deep breath" he whispered with his breath fanning on my ear giving rise to goosebumps all over me.


Why is his nearness having this effect on me?

I stayed still unable to open my eyes and look at his. The next I heard a ding saying the seatbelt sign is off. Jason left my hand and went to the back to Caleb and Leo.


Nyla came and sat next to me. "There is a room for relaxation and a dining area too. Do you want to come with us? Let's grab some snacks."

Even though I'm not in the mood to eat. I don't want to be left alone. So I joined her. As I went to the dining area. We are greeted with plush white leather chairs around a rectangular sleek French polished table.

I saw the short girl with nerd glasses and Tracy in a chat. Nyla and I joined them.

"Amy this is Kayla, my sister. She is in her second year of law school. And Kay this is Amelia Jason's friend."

"How did you and Jason know each other?" Tracy asked me while stabbing her salad with her fork.

"We've known each other since diaper days. Our parents were best friends. And after my parents passed away in a car accident, my custody is given to Browns. So I'm staying with them for the past 5years."

"Oh, I'm sorry about your parents Amy," Nyla said placing her hand on mine and giving it a squeeze

"It's okay. Anyway, Peter and Kristina treat me like their own."

"Who are you even kidding. They love you more than me and Ryan." I turned to Jason, who is smiling at me.

I giggled in response. He took the seat next to me while Caleb took the seat next to Nyla. Leo and the other two guys were nowhere to be found.

There is an unlimited amount of alcohol on board. Leo and the other two are busy chugging down bottles.

While I asked for a cheeseburger. Tracy commented on how we should be eating something light while flying.

Jason kept checking his emails through the wifi. Caleb kept feeding almonds to Nyla. I mean I get it that they are engaged and in love but please would like to eat my cheeseburger without puking.

"Get a room guys" Kayla commented with her nose stuck behind her book, The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang.

"So you and Jason knew each other all your lives?" Tracy asked me playing with her salad.

"Yes," I replied.

"So tell us one secret about him that we never knew." Tracy dropped her fork on her plate with a clink and joined her hands in a clap in excitement.

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