69 - Together in life and death

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The weather looked gloomy today. The sun didn't shine enough and the lovely song sung by the birds is also missing. Or maybe it is just my depressing mood.

I got ready for college and dragged myself down the stairs with my bag and the charts that we have to submit today in Architecture class.

I was welcomed by the strong aroma of coffee. Jason is flipping the pancakes in the kitchen. Am I still asleep? I rubbed my eyes and saw him still cooking.

Why is he rushing his breakfast like every day? Shoving spoonfuls of cereal to finish it and rush off to the office?

"You okay?'' I asked him alarmed. Did he hit his head when we are wrestling for the remote the other day?

"I'm preparing breakfast for you. You are taking the day off from college and work. We can stay at home and watch movies or we can go out shopping. I swear I won't complain this time." He said pouring syrup on the stack of pancakes. There is a pot of coffee and a plate of French toast too on the table.

Did he think about it? That's really sweet of him.

"You didn't have to do that, Jason. There is so much work pending in the office. There are so many projects lined up for you. It will increase your workload in the coming days." I told him taking a seat at the dining table serving pancakes into my plate.

"I don't mind it. Really." He stressed. "And work can wait. I dont want to leave you alone, at least not this day." He placed his palm on my cheek wiping the tear that is threatening to fall from the corner of my eyes.

"What happened to you giving me cold shoulder from the past 2days for ratting out about Jessica to Kristina," I asked him trying to change the grim atmosphere.

"Oh don't think you are off the hook easily. I just postponed it to next week. When you are ready to fight back."

I smiled at him and looked at the food on the table, it looked appetizing but I didn't feel like eating any. How can I? When the memories of this very day from 5years back are still livid on my mind. The details are so finely etched like it just happened yesterday.

I took the coffee instead, I can feel Jason's gaze on me the whole while. I felt conscious and asked him "aren't you eating?"

"You aren't either. I cooked for the first time in my life and my wife isn't ready to taste it." He faked hurt. I was astonished at how easily the word wife rolled out of his tongue.

Did he think of me as his wife? Or did the word simply escape from his mouth just casually?

"Maybe the fact that you cooked for the first time is stopping me to eat." I teased him back.

"I'm dying here for a review, Please." He pouted. He looked so cute with that pout and the hairs falling on his forehead. I still can't get my mind wrapped around the fact that people feared him and fumbled in front of him in the office.

But, that's the kind of aura he possesses around him in the office. Only a few lucky people like me, his family, and close friends got the chance to see this side of him.

All the girls at the office going gaga over his hotness, they never knew how cute he looked with that messy hair and dressed in sweats at home.

He is a very strict boss. People feared him at the same time looked up to him. He may have gotten that position as a CEO because he is the successor at a young age but he worked hard to keep it.

"Amy, eat!" Jason's annoyed voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Okay." I tasted the pancakes and the pancakes and they are not bad for a first-timer.

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