83 - He doesn't deserve you

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I sat quietly on the couch while Kristina started lecturing Jason how he should try to come early and spend time with me.

I pity the poor guy, he came around midnight from the office and she isn't letting him eat his dinner in peace. As much as I love it when he gets roasted by his mom, I want him to have his dinner in peace. He needed it. Everyone needed it.

I walked to the dining hall and saw Jason and Peter both picking and playing with their food with their heads downcast without eating.

"It's okay, Kristina. Let them have their dinner." I told her stopping a few feet away from the table.

"No, it's not okay. This is all Pete's fault. He is setting a bad example to his sons that it's okay to work till late night and neglect the wife." She glared at Peter.

Peter snapped his neck to Kristina, opened his mouth to retort back but again closed it with a sigh.

Who is she scolding here? Peter or Jason? Or using Jason to scold Peter?

"I need you to do one thing for me, Jason." She asked suddenly.

"Uhh, what?" Jason asked suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Get Jessica out of the office. I'm not able to stand her for few hours at the party the other day, knowing what she did to you in the past and the nerve of that girl she is addressing me by my name." Kristina said disgustedly.

"Didn't she always address you as Mrs.Brown in the past?" I asked confused.

Peter stayed calm and ate his dinner while Jason's gaze flicked to and fro from Kristina to me.

"Yeah, she is maybe trying to show off to others that she is close to us. So I looked her in the eye and said it's Mrs.Brown to you." Kristina smirked.

"Oh my God! You did not say that to her face in front of all the people?" I laughed out loud. Shit, that would be so embarrassing.

"Can I ask why you want me to fire Jessica?" Jason asked calmly.

"I dont think you will give enough time to Amy with Jessica around you all day. I don't feel good about her." Kristina replied.

"Yes, he loves spending time with Jessica so much that he forgets that he has a wife waiting for him at home." I teased Jason and complained to Kristina with a pout. A smile was tugging at the ends of my lips.

Jason pushed his plate away and stood up angrily. I looked at him in confusion. The smile on my face faltered looking at his annoyed face.

"I'm telling for the last time. Jessica is an old friend. She asked for help and I helped her. Why can't you see that I moved on from my past with her?" He raised his voice at no one in particular.

"Jason, You..." I called him to cool his temper and took a step towards him but the anger in his eyes made me eat my words.

"I know she brags a lot. Didn't I tell you that she is of no importance to me? I guess you didn't believe me. Why can't you understand that having a grudge against her means keeping her in my mind, which I dont want to do." He looked me in the eye. His voice seething with anger and annoyance.

But I trust you!

The words sat logged in my throat, constricted with emotion. A thin layer of moisture seeped into my eyes.

"Oh stop crying, will you? You use it always like a weapon against me. Seriously if you still had a problem with Jessica you should have come to me, dont bring my mom in between."

My vision turned blurry. His words slashed through my heart. How can he think I didn't trust him? But what pained me more is he referred to Kristina as his mom.

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