Chapter Thirty-One

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My feet felt like cinderblocks as I walked towards Alyce's room. I didn't want to apologize. I wanted her to apologize and acknowledge how badly she hurt me. When I reached her door I hesitated. Salem was not standing outside of it. I swallowed the hesitation and knocked.

"Come in!" Alyces voice rang out from inside. I walked in silently, shutting the door behind me. I jumped slightly, scared by Salem standing next to the doorway. Not being able to sense him was terrible.

He glanced at me, smiling for a brief moment. Alyce was laid on her bed, playing on her phone. I rolled my eyes at her attire. She was wearing a crop top spaghetti strap and exercise shorts. Her ass cheeks were very much hanging out.

"Alyce" I spoke plainly and she glanced back, rolling over dramatically. She sat up and tossed her hair.

"I came here to apologize for earlier." I forced the words out, walking further into the room. She scoffed.

"You mean dad made you come in here and apologize" she spoke bluntly and I clenched my jaw.

"Look daya.." she trailed off and I held my breath.

"I had to leave, okay? We both know I was never suited to be the queen anyways. I've spent my whole life training and learning the ways of the kingdom and what it means to be a queen. My heart was never truly in it. We all knew that." She spoke with an honest tone and I nodded.

"I can agree with you on that" I whispered and she sighed.

"I was looking for a way out constantly. When mom died, that was it. I was selfish and I took the first out-"

"Wait wait wait" I cut her off, holding up my hands and shutting my eyes in disbelief.

"You saw mom dying as your out? Literally the night mom dies? Your first thought is 'here's my chance! I'm free!'!?" My blood began boiling. I was shouting now.

"Well when you say it like that it sounds awful" she sounded so careless. It's true though, she didn't seem to care even an ounce.

I was seeing red at this point.

"It doesn't sound awful, it IS awful!" I snapped at her and she sighed again. She was obviously frustrated that I wouldn't just drop this.

"Then yes, Daya, I'm terrible. Mom died and I bailed. It was my chance. I took it. I'm sorry you're so upset that you're next in line now, but I did what was best for me. We all know you're better suited anyways" She spoke plainly and I couldn't contain myself anymore.

I lunged forward, swinging furiously. I was stopped abruptly with hands around my waist but I kept swinging.

"That's not the point! You're not even listening to me! I can handle this responsibility! It's the fact that you left us then and didn't say anything for 2 years! I missed my sister! I needed my fucking sister! We needed you!" I screamed at her, tears rolling down my face. She stared at me with wide eyes, her bottom lip quivered.

Salem held his hold on me as I struggled against him. Damn him for being stronger than me. I thought fast, quickly sweeping my leg under him but he stepped away, lifting me in the air. I flailed my arms and legs trying to get out of his grasp.

"We needed you!" I screamed again, sobbing.

Tears rolled down her cheeks now, she was speechless.

"Daya" she whispered , her hand going to her mouth.

"Calm yourself Dayanara. Breath" Salem whispered in my ear quickly, his head pressed against mine in our struggle.

"I'm so sorry" Alyce gasped suddenly, getting up and running to me. She stood before me while I cried and Salem slowly released his hold on me. She hugged me tightly, crying.

She repeated how sorry she was over and over. We cried together. The relief I felt in this moment was immense. We spent the next hours talking about everything. We talked about mom, our childhood, growing up together. We laughed about becoming queen. We laughed about how crazy this life was to be born into. I was telling her now about the drama with Aiden.

"I so would've kicked his ass!" She growled angrily when I finished the story. I shrugged, looking down at my hands and fiddling with my nails.

"We handled it pretty well, I think" I glanced over my shoulder at the spot where Salem would be standing. Alyce sent him to the kitchen to get blood. I refrained from telling her that he's not a servant.

"Yeeesss your guuuaaarrrddd!" She drawled out, grinning and fanning her face dramatically.

"He is so fine daya" she spoke dreamily and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes he's attractive, we all know." I grumbled and she shook her head.

"He's more than attractive. He's stunning. Those eyes, his voice! Everything. That is a fine specimen" she continued and I felt my stomach twist.

"I have the freedom to date now.." she trailed off and my eyes widened slightly. She was right. She didn't have to marry royalty anymore. She would have to get dads permission still, but they didn't HAVE to be royalty.

"You're not thinking of.." I trailed off and she shrugged.

"Maybe. I need to find a way to get him to talk. He's like a statue in here." I nodded slowly at her words. My mouth went dry. Although, Salem not talking!? That was unheard of..

"Dad would never let you date a guard of all things. He thinks even that is too low in society" I spoke nervously and she shrugged again.

"A little forbidden love sounds exhilarating" she sounded like she was day dreaming. I tucked my hair behind my ear nervously. Alyce was beautiful, she could get anyone. Maybe she could even get Salem.

"I guess I should start with his name." She tapped her chin and my eyebrows furrowed.

"You don't know his name yet? Have you even tried talking to him?" I spoke irritably but laughed at the end of my sentence to play it off.

She raised an eyebrow at me and scoffed.

"Oh daya you're one to talk. I've heard all about your treatment of your guards." She quipped back and I nodded. She was right. Who was I to scold her after how I treated all of my guards, including Salem. I guess I just didn't like the thought of him being treated poorly now.

"Yeah you're right. I've been trying though" I admitted sheepishly.

"We've been talking so long it's getting late now." She stood up and I followed suit. She grabbed my hands, giving them a tight squeeze.

"Thank you for tonight" she spoke sincerely and I nodded with a smile.

"It was good. It was nice" I agreed and said goodnight, heading off to bed.

When I made it to my room the remnants of our conversation filled my head. The truth I had to confront ; Alyce was going to go for Salem. I needed a drink.

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