Chapter Fifteen

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I typed Salem's name into fathers secret files, watching the screen load. I knew the library that was full of public record would show nothing. Father had to have something though. I knew King's kept all record of every worker. Even if Salem was from a different kingdom it was a shared top secret database on all of the dirty work.

His picture popped up and my eyes widened slightly. This Salem wasn't the Salem I knew.

He looked emotionally dead in his file picture. His eyes showed no life, his face was hard.

I quickly scrolled, my eyes flicking to the door every now and then. God, he did a lot of work.

Place of birth unknown. Okay. That doesn't help. Wait...what? I reread the words under Salem's name over and over. Deceased. Status: deceased. Salem wasn't dead. Why would it show dead?...time of death..November 26th 1995? What? That would've been his birthday...

Why was he marked as deceased? To hide what he had done? I tried to shake this off and continued scrolling.

I paused when I reached it. He had a sister. Key word..had.
She was also marked as deceased. They were twins.. her picture was what I assumed to be her baby picture. That's strange.

I froze when his parents pictures came into focus. They looked normal, happy. He was the perfect blend of the two.

Cause of death.. oh.

They were killed for ..crimes?

I clicked on the file, squinting at the text.

Crime against the balance of nature?
I scrolled back up to their pictures and stared hard.

His mother...Julia. She was beautiful. She had piercing hazel eyes and fair skin. Of course though, all vampires were pale due to our diet of blood.

His father was different. He had tan skin, dark hair and dark green eyes.
He didn't look like a vampire..but I guess if he was from a different part of the world..

I blinked a few times and scrolled to the details of their crime.

There was no information whatsoever. All it gave me was crime against the balance of nature. What the hell did that even mean.

I sensed someone coming and I quickly got up, exiting out of everything and quietly slipping out of the room.

My father and Salem were walking down the hallway and I walked up to them, faking a smile to appear normal. All I did was give myself more questions.

"Oh good, you found him." I smiled at them politely and Salem gave me a weird look.

"Daya, there is a meeting I'd like you to sit in that is happening today." He spoke firmly and I nodded, folding my hands behind my back.

"With whom, father?" I hated sitting in on his boring meetings.

"The Darren pack will be arriving shortly." My eyes widened slightly at this. Werewolves. That was not boring in the slightest.

"We'll be revising the treaty, making sure everything still is working in our favor. I want you to meet them." He smiled at me and I nodded, excitement filling me.

Father always kept me away when the wolves came. They lived a ways away from us, they had their own territory. We feared each other, honestly. A vicious war had broken out 3 years before I was born. They came up with a treaty and every so often they got together to adjust.

We wanted to stay on good terms with them. A bite from either would kill the other, slowly and painfully. We really lived in separate worlds, it felt like.

The Princess GuardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora