Chapter Thirty-Five

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I stared at the huge metal doors before me as my breath caught in my throat. Yesterday I had asked father where Salem was in the castle.. I tried searching the east wing but was cut off by too many guards or various workers. I didn't want to raise suspicion of my presence over here so I decided to wait until today to return to my search. This was the day of the full moon.

This was the last room in the corridor I hadn't checked. To my surprise and delight, there were no guards standing at it. There was no lock. I guess father trusted the workers just that much that they wouldn't come down here.

For one thing, father lived in this wing. It was also moms space. Many of these rooms were still filled to this day of her many hobbies. Dad always said he'd change them...he just hasn't yet I guess. The workers I ran into all day yesterday were various maids or slaves traveling to the kitchen. I had a mission to complete though. No interruptions today.

I tried the handle, releasing a shaky breath when the door opened. I slipped past the door as quietly as I could, motion sensor lights flicked on. My eyes widened, a weird feeling of remembrance hitting me. It was the memory Alyce had shown me. Well, the room, at least.

I stepped forward slowly scanning the room. It was empty now, all reinforced with steel. The walls of the viewing room were no longer glass. It was a giant metal box. I stopped at the lit up control panel that was now positioned on the door.

Was Salem in there? Was he in this dank, cold,  musty room by himself?

I raised my hand to tap on the button that said 'screen' assuming it might open a window of some sort to see in. I was scared. I don't know what I was so scared of. Just press it Daya!

The whirring sound of the metal moving made me jump. Well. It was too late now. Why did I press it...

I shut my eyes tight, I don't know what I was bracing myself for. The memory alyce showed me was suddenly on my mind. Moms laugh, Salem's carefree giggle.

Even with my eyes shut tight I could see some semblance of light hitting my eyelids. That could only mean one thing...

I forced my eyes to open, my jaw dropping instantly. The once colorful play room was now a padded cell. Lined with white padding and nothing else. Not a chair...not a table... nothing but one thing..

Nothing except, Salem.

He sat in the corner, knees pulled up to his chest in a tight hug and his head resting on his arms. Did he not know I was here? Could he not sense me?

I gasped suddenly realizing I'd been holding my breath. His head shot up and I lurched forward, slamming my hands against the window. It was as if something unseen had pulled me forward. My panicked breaths were fogging up the glass. He stared at me with wide eyes, not moving a muscle.

He looked god awful. He wasn't in his work uniform, just a simple black shirt and black shorts with only socks on his feet. His hair was flattened and messy. His eyes weren't their usual meadow green. They had bold lines of bright yellow that slashed through his iris. His jaw looked hardened somehow, his eyes sunken in. His cheeks had hollowed. He even looked paler.

I couldn't say a word. I was feeling a million different things suddenly. Anger, fear, panic. Every negative emotion possible surged through my veins as my heart beat erratically.

How could father do this to him. Leaving him in a room like this! Alone! For 3 whole days!? Had he eaten!? Why did he look so unhealthy suddenly!!!

He seemed to relax, his shoulders sagged as tension left him. I could hear him let out a breath. There must be a two way audio system?

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