Chapter Two

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I opened my eyes slowly as the sunlight peeked through my blinds, groaning. Great, morning. Time to get up.

I got dressed slowly, the events from last night replaying in my head. Maybe I dreamed the whole thing and father didn't actually hire a psychopath as my new guard.

An undeniably sexy psychopath. I stared at myself in the full length mirror that was on the back of my bathroom door. Casual clothes, causal makeup. I didn't even need makeup, I just liked doing it.

I brushed my wavy black hair, it wasn't unruly today. Good hair, I thought to myself. I sighed and paused at my door, trying to sense if anyone was out there. I didn't feel like socializing whatsoever. I was worried that my new guard snitched on me. You know how that goes though..snitches get stitches.

I opened my door and stepped out, turning and locking it.

"Good morning, Princess." I jumped at the sudden voice next to me.

"Oh you've got to be shitting me" I grumbled to myself, looking up and seeing my guard leaning with his back casually against the wall.

He tilted his head and looked me over. I quickly looked away and started heading down the hall. I did not want to deal with this guy right now.

My stomach growled and I quickened my pace when I noticed ole boy following next to me silently.

I smiled once I entered the dining hall and saw father already seated. He stood up when he saw me coming, holding his arms out and smiling widely. I gave him a quick hug, I hadn't seen much of him lately because of work. That was what lead me to believe he might not be trying to hire another guard. Boy was I wrong.

"Good morning Daya, I see you've met your new guard?" He shook hands with the boy as the guard bowed his head to him respectfully.

"Yeah, something like that." I grumbled before taking a seat.

"You slept in quite a bit this morning, I was already wrapping up." He frowned a little and I nodded. Of course I just missed spending a sliver of time with him. I loved my father dearly, and I cherished our moments together. Being the king meant our time together was few and far in between.

We made small talk for a few minutes before he excused himself.

The guard sat across from me, his expression stayed blank. I turned in my chair so I wasn't facing him, eating happily.

I glanced at him every now and then out of the corner of my eye. I needed to figure out how to annoy him, and fast.

My growling stomach subsided, but now my throat itched with that familiar hunger. I reached for the glass before me, staring down at the crimson liquid. My eyes caught my guards as I took a big drink.

He wasn't eating. Does this weirdo not eat?

"Dayanara" He spoke my name slowly, taking his time with each syllable. The way it sounded sent shivers down my spine. I quickly shook that feeling away and raised an eyebrow at him.

He said nothing else, just put his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand.

"What? What do you want?" I snapped and amusement danced in his eyes.

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