Chapter Sixty-Nine

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*•*•*•*Salems POV*•*•*•*


Everything felt so dull. So empty. My eyes narrowed in anger. I was constantly so angry. The sight of myself..looking at Dayanara with such careless eyes. I knew that look. She didn't deserve that look. My jaw clenched and unclenched. My arms were crossed tight.

"It must be terrible for you" the soft voice next to me made me let out a deep sigh. I nodded silently. 

"We're going to get you back where you belong." She placed her hand on my shoulder and I tore my eyes from the scene and tilt my head, meeting the eyes of my mother.

"When will I be strong enough for her to see me?" I forced the words out desperately. The ache in my chest began again.

"I really don't know..." she trailed off sadly and looked towards Dayanara.

"At least we've figured out that when you died it split your wolf and vampire side." She spoke reassuringly and I leaned back against the wall.

"To think my wolf side was running the show ever since I met her." I grumbled almost irritably. This was just..annoying. There were holes in my memory. I could only remember high emotion times. It was blurry even then. It was so confusing. It feels like my life began with Dayanara. Yet there was my body, laying in the infirmary bed knocked out. No memory of Dayanara whatsoever. Cold, distant, Salem of the past. It's like the past and present of myself was split when I died. This part of me got left behind. Left halfway between the afterlife, and the mortal plane. It was an unbearable limbo. I felt so lost the first few days. Then suddenly I was before Daya in a cell. She saw me then, I'm sure of it. I don't know how though. Then I was gone. Back in the castle at the spot I had died in her doorway. My mother was there. That was one good thing that's come out of this. Meeting her.

My feet moved on their own, coming up to Dayanara's side. She was asleep in the chair. I reached instinctively, longing to touch her. My finger tips brushed right through her cheek. I sighed sadly.

"I'll be able to talk to her soon. I'll explain things." Mom spoke up and I glanced back at her.

"You've stayed like this for years, how?" I had been wanting to ask so many questions. I had already asked a million questions but more just kept coming. She smiled and folded her hands at her front.

"I could move on but, I can't leave you both behind. I visit Lydia too. I just can't move on. Not yet." She smiled at me and I turned away from Daya.

"Being stuck like this.. in between... for so many years alone. It just sounds so awful." I couldn't help the sadness that filled me. I wouldn't have wanted her to do this.

"Oh I was never alone Salem" she spoke hurriedly, tears filled her eyes and floated upwards before disappearing. It was strange to see a .. well a ghost cry.

"I was always with you or your sister. I so enjoyed getting to be there even if you didn't know I was. I never considered moving on. I'm not sure I even know how to. I was here when Maria died. I was waiting for her. I will continue waiting for you and Lydia." Her eyes were so kind. There was so much love in them. Having her here before me.. frankly it made me want to cry. I never knew how much I missed her, even if I never met her until now. All my life I had been torn between thinking maybe she did love of us..or maybe we really were just a science experiment.

"Is.." I trailed off and rubbed the back of my head.

"Is Hunter still here?" She finished for me, tucking her hair behind her ear. Hunter..I never knew his name.

"I never found your dad. I don't know if he moved on immediately or if he has stayed close to other people he knew." She spoke bluntly and I nodded. At least she was here.

"And the queen?" My mind drifted back to the memory Alyce had shown me. If she was here..I needed to meet her. I had too many things to thank her for. Most importantly on that list, Dayanara.

"She is. She has been resting a lot. She got to see Daya, you know?" She smiled happily and I couldn't help but shoot Daya a smirk unbeknownst to her. Knowing she kept her gift a secret from me was funny. I couldn't wait to give her shit for it. I was glad though..I hoped seeing her mom gave her some healing.

"And Amelia hasn't been seen?" She shook her head. It was so strange. Out of anyone who could bring someone back to life...a human did it.

Time was strange here. Sometimes my head would get fuzzy and it felt like I was falling asleep, only to wake up back in Dayanara's doorway. I wondered if that's what mom meant by 'resting'.

To me, I was just speaking to her a second ago. In the blink of an eye I was back at the doorway I died in, and I could see the sun had set. It was almost like I was glitching. I sighed to myself and walked towards the open bathroom door cautiously. Daya was brushing her hair. I watched her sadly. This was probably creepy of me. She jumped suddenly, letting out a nervous laugh.

"I didn't hear you come in. They let you leave the infirmary? How do you feel?" Her tone was so nervous. Hearing her speak put my heart at ease. Vampire me must be here. I stepped up the side as she exited the bathroom. I knew she would've passed right through me but I couldn't knock the habit of acting like I'm a physical being.

"If you don't want to talk that's okay..I understand.. you can take the night off." I didn't like how nervous she sounded. I didn't like that the version of me she was dealing with made her nervous.

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Where was he?

Daya sighed, turning around and facing me. Our eyes met and I froze.

"I just said if you don't want to talk then you can go. I really don't want to have you just standing there silently when I'm trying to speak to you." She glared .. at me? At me!? Our eyes were still met.

"Are you talking to me?" I whispered shakily and her eyes widened suddenly. She looked me over and suddenly gasped.

" have that..the died?.. again?..." she stammered out as tears filled her eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked to her quickly.

"I don't know how long I have but it's me..  I mean the Salem that passed out is also me but.." I spit my words out quickly as she stared at me with wide eyes. How do I make it make sense.

"I got split! I got split between my vampire and werewolf side and the werewolf side stayed in the afterlife!" I was stumbling over my words. The fact that she could even see me - that I was talking to her - it just had me so flustered. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before I involuntarily shut my eyes. It was time to go back to sleep.

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