Chapter Twelve

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Something in the woods

I brushed my hair quietly and avoided looking at myself in the mirror. I was so mad at myself for what I did.

My guard brought me to my room and I didn't protest.

How could I, I chose to leave and paid the consequences. He showed up and saved my ass yet again for the stupid situation I got myself into.

I left my bathroom, avoiding looking at him as he sat in the chair. He had changed apparently when I was in the shower. The party was over by time we got back. I had texted father saying I turned in for the night when we were on our way back here.

My guard was going to tell him that he was patrolling and sensed those men, and that he followed them after hearing them talk about some plan to kidnap me.

Guilt filled me now, he would be lying to cover my ass.

I sat on my bed quietly, too shaken up to sleep. He didn't look at me. He just sat there like a statue with his head pressed against his fist. He had a cold look in his eyes.

"Thank you" I whispered, fidgeting with my hands nervously. I kept my eyes down.

I heard him get up, approaching me. I stared at his feet as he stood before me.

He touched my chin lightly and turned my head up as he studied my face.

"Are you okay?" His voice was gentle but his eyes told a different story.

"Yes" I whispered and he kept his hand on my chin.

"If I have to I'll tie you to the bed to keep you here..amongst other things." His voice lightened but his eyes darkened slightly and my stomach twisted with butterflies. I shook this away, playfully smacking his hand away for being suggestive...unless he wasn't and I was just imagining it. He walked back to the chair and I slid back in my bed and sat criss cross applesauce.

"Did you um.." I trailed off as my mind drifted back to the events of the night. He raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Did you kill them?" I whispered, keeping my voice hush. He stared back at me blankly, his lips pressed into a thin line. I figured he wouldn't like that question. He seemed adamant on shielding me.

He nodded and straightened up.

"How did you know I was out there? Where I was?" My head began filling with questions.

"It took some puzzle solving. When I didn't find you outside I tried to come in here. Door locked, window open, dress on the floor. My mind instantly began turning." He spoke calmly but I could tell he was still angry with me. Maybe talking about it wasn't the best idea.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out and he seemed a little surprised by this.

"Next time you want to get out of here tell me and we can take an excursion. You couldn't have known what was going to happen but I hope you learned your lesson. At least now I have a little more info on these people that want you." His tone had an edge to it that made me nervous. I didn't like him being mad at me.

I shouldn't care.

He would probably quit tomorrow. He would draw the line at lying to my father. I could feel it

"I'm sorry that tonight was a downward spiral for you." He spoke gently now and I shrugged.

"I should've guess that stuff about Aiden..just didn't think it would be with.." I trailed off, disgust filling me again. They were the least of my worries now.

My guard laughed quietly, rubbing his eyes.

"What's so funny?" I growled at him and he shrugging, sighing.

"There's humor to be found in irony, I think. It's ironic that the universe should bring me to you when our ex's cheated on us with each other." He smiled lightly and I laughed suddenly, feeling a little crazy. He was right, it was an insane coincidence.

"Why did you choose this kingdom if you're not from here?" I was ready to ask him things about himself.

"I didn't choose this kingdom" he spoke quietly and I looked at him in confusion. That didn't make sense. Guards were usually born within their kingdom and trained thoroughly to be trusted to live and work here.

"I was summoned actually" he shifted in his seat, I guess he wasn't prepared for me to start asking questions.

"Well what did you do at your old kingdom?" I was growing curious now.

His green eyes darkened again, a serious look crossed his face.

"I did favors for the king" I didn't need to ask what kind of favors.

Kings almost always had a group of people on standby to..take care of certain issues in their kingdom.

Anything from rogues to crime.. kind of like trained assassins. They had no record of living. It was dirty work.

"And you were trusted to come here, to protect me?" I spoke in disbelief and he shrugged.

"I met your father a few times before coming here." He whispered this like it was a secret and my eyes widened. I knew my father had people like that.. I just didn't know how far it went.

"The king here is close to the Westard king. You know that. Every time he visited he made a point to find wherever I was and speak to me. I guess he made up his mind quickly." He seemed as unsure as I was about my father choosing him.

"It was a big change in work, but I like it. I was tired of what I was doing." He shrugged the topic off and nervousness filled me. He's probably killed a lot of bad people.

I studied him carefully, thinking back to when he found me. He must've been really angry for his fangs and canines to stay extended like that.. I wondered if training made them capable of holding that longer. But his nails..

"You should go to bed. It's 2am." He broke my thoughts and I blinked a few times, nodding slowly. I settled into bed and sighed after shutting off the lights.

It wasn't long before I drifted off and the events of the night lingered in my mind.

I needed to learn more about him.

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